Fuck blondes with pink tips

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(If u didn't read the description go read it first it might help you!) I suggest u play "Francis forever" by Mitski while reading this 🎧❤️‍🩹

*It was lunch time, the Dromies are sitting under a tree smoking ciggarets. Henry & Liam are talking to each other while Drew is in his own world rollling up weed on a piece of thin paper.*

Liam: "Hey did ya'll see the freaks today?"
Henry: "Gosh.. they are so emmbarasing.. I can't believe Jake has chosen them over us?! We are literally the coolest people in our school.."

*Drew grips his hand at the "Jake has chosen them over us" phrase*
Drew: "F*cking freaks. Zoey cheating on me was more than enough, but Jake? He and that stupid little blueberry freak are seriously getting on my nerves..." *sighs as he blows the smoke out of his mouth*

Liam: "Don't be so mad over it man.. u have us now."
Henry: "Yeah dude chill! Let's just mock them."
Drew: *shakes his head* "Fine whatever.. he doesn't deserve us anyway"

*Deep down he knew how much he still missed and cared for him*

Henry: "Maybe we can go throw water ballons at them later?"
Liam: "Now that's not a bad idea.." *smirks*
"What'd ya think Drew?" *asks him while his grin spreads all across his face*
Drew: "Nahh I'd rather throw rocks at them." *laughs*
Henry & Liam: "You're wild dude."

*Drew doesn't respond instead he tucks his finished cig in the tree*

*Suddenly a little girl comes up to them leaving the playground*
*Comepleatly dumbfounded, stares at them smoking there*

*Drew finnaly acknowledges her existence* "Do you want one?" *He blows smoke right on the side of her*
*She is suprised at his request* "But..I'm 7?"

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