Don't tell your mother

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Part 2 ENJOY!! 😭👀

"...but I'm 7?..." *She looks at him suprised at his sudden request*
*Liam and Henry giggle*
"Damn." *Drew shrugs* "What are u doing here you little goblin, go back to your mother, you don't need to see the kind of things I talk about with my homies" *grins*
*She is now very curious* "Wow!" "That's so cool!!" *smiles* "All the kids I play with are boring so I came here to see who was hiding..." "Get out of here, go play in the grass, I'll give you a bag of lollipops with strawberry flavour if u dont tell anyone u saw us." *Drew says while crosses his arms* "Wait..really?" *her eyes sparkle with pure joy* *Drew sighs* " can stay, but if you ruin this conversation I,ll slap u across the face." *She goes in for a hug* *He hugs her quickly and gives her a bag of strawberry lollipops that he stole yesterday* "You are kinda good for a kid." *she laughs* "Haha!" *Drew moves her from him* "Alright.. now let me get to talk with my friends." *she sits on the grass*
*Drew continues talking with his friends about the music club and how it's really annoying, meanwhile Drew's ex-girlfriend Zoey was walking on the opposite side of the park crying for attention from him* *the girl sees Zoey crying* *Zoey is still walking on the opposite side crying and eventually Drew sees her too but, he just flips her off.* "Why do people point middle fingers?" "What does that mean..?" *she asks puzzled* *Drew turns to her* "It means 'screw you' thats the most appropriate I could have described it." "I can't exactly remember, just... don't tell your mother." "...Anyway.. I did it to my ex-gf, do you even know what is an
ex-gf?", *He looks at her wondering* *She hesitates for a moment* "I....hmm?" "Maybe?"
*Drew chuckles* "It's someone who was once in a relationship with you, but no longer is, like how I was in a relationship with Zoey, but not anymore." "Stupid gold-digging c*nt." *Mutters under his breath* *She says* "Ohhhh! Now I get it." *Drew rolls his eyes* "Now let me finish the conversation with my friends." *She nods but quickly says* "Okay, but..I have a bully in my class!" *Drew's attention is now on her again* "What does he do to you?" "He constantly throws food and crumbled paper at me..also he pulls my hair and pushes me off the slide."
"And who is that bully?" *He asks seriously* *before she can finish her sentence the bully comes raging at her tackling her to the ground.* *Drew steps in between the bully and the little girl, and kicks the bully in the stomach to get him to fall down* *The girl quickly hugs onto Drew for safety as she watches* *Drew chuckles a little bit* "You need to learn one important thing in life little girl, and that's.. 'Fight Dirty'."
"What is that?" *She asks antettive* "Fighting dirty means fight unfairly, it means to do everything u can to hurt your opponent as much as possible without showing mercy, if u want to win a fight then u fight dirty." *he says as she nods taking every word seriously* "Oh okay!"
"So, the next time he tries to pick on you..I don't want to know what u do to him, it's your choice. Just make sure to fight dirty." *He says confidently* *she nods happily again*
*Drew pats her head and goes back to his friends who are still talking about the music club.*
*She goes over to the bully flips him off and knocks him down* *Drew what happened and just laughs a bit* "Good job." *She punches him right where Drew hit him before* *The bully screams and falls over from the intense pain* *the kid runs away* *Drew laughs from this and goes over to pick her up* "I'm so proud of you!" *she laughs at that* "I know I just met you but I want to be your friend." *she smiles* "That's great." "I already see u as my little sister, what is your name little girl, I forgot.' *Drew asks*
"My name is Isabelle." *she says* " about I call you Isa for short?" *he says*
"Sure." *she smiles*
"Good little Isa, now come meet my homies here." *Drew brings her over to Henry and Liam*
*Liam takes a closer look at her* "Hey look, it's a little goblin who can flip people off!"
*Henry laughs* "Wow this kid is brave! I like her already."
"I just won over my bully!" *she says proudly* *Henry high fives her* "Well done little girl."
"I'm so lucky to have big friends! Not only boring 7 y/o's" *she says* *Liam gives her a head pat.* "You're lucky to have us, we're cool." *Liam says* "But, don't forget though we're teenagers and we swear sometimes, so tell your mother we're not the best role models." *Henry adds*
*Liam quickly says* "Wait! Is your mom singl-" *before he could finish Henry cuts him off*
"...So..little Isa, what do you think about us?" *Isa smiles and say* "All of you are very cool!"
*Liam and Henry smile at that, but Drew is acting a bit odd.* *Drew's cigarette falls down to the ground, but he doesn't notice as he is holding Isa in his arms.* *he sighs and says* "You know little Isa, I've been thinking about something..." *she looks at him curious* "About what?" "Sometimes, I imagine what it would be like if I had a little sister like you."
*Her eyes sparkle again as she is looking at him* "R-really?"
*She smiles*
*Drew laughs a little as he continues to hold her in his arms*
*Liam and Henry watch as he holds her*
*Henry whispers to Liam really quietly*
"Do you think Drew's taking care of her too much?"
*Liam responds* "I don't know, but it's a little weird...He's being a bit too nice."
*Henry responds back* "Yeah..Something's up with Drew..."
*Drew continues holding the little girl, he was smiling, but on the inside he was extremely sad.*
"What the hell is Drew thinking?" *Henry whispers*
"I dunno..but I hope he's not thinking of what I think he is." *Liam says*
"I mean...just look at her."
"She's just a little kid."
*Henry says back* "You're right.."

Dont worry he isn't gonna do anything to Isabelle there is no SA in this story :) 🫶🏼
I will finish the rest of the story tommorow! Thanks for reading this.

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