Episode 134

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It was raining
Luffy: Oh, man. When is this rain going to stop? Hey Usop, do you have anything we can have fun with?
Usopp: I've got this firework we could set off. Wanna do it.
Luffy: yes.
Nami: That's not a good idea. There could be hostile ships nearby.
Usopp: You got a point there.
Luffy saw Robin reading
What's that book you've been reading this whole time?
They all look at Luffy
All: Is Luffy interested in a book?
Luffy: Is something wrong
All: No, it's nothing.
Robin: It's called The Rainbow Mist. It's a fascinating read. It's about the adventure someone had in a part of the sea known for unusual phenomena.
Luffy: Adventure? Sound pretty cool!
Nami: Mind Unbelievable
Usopp: Mind. He must be really bored.
Chopper: Speaking of unusual phenomena.
Zoro and Stella came in
Stella: So, we saw an island.
Luffy: Really. He gets up to see.
Nami and Usopp feel over
Zoro: What up with you guys
All: Nothing.
Girl: it stopped. Then. It's okay, right, Mommy and Daddy? She leaves graveyards. The crew docks
Nmai was walking on the sails to get over. Nami caught her
Stella: Come on Chopper.
Chopper: Okay. He gets on her shoulders as they walk to the cliff as well.
Nami: Okay, keep a close watch on this ship
Zoro: Yeah, you got it.
Luffy: Guys, check this out.
Usopp: Luffy! Wait uo, will you?
Chopper true into a Reindeer Form
As they go up the cliff.
Chopper: A town!
They go down to see.
Usopp: It may be a small town but it's sure is lively
Chopper: We should be able to provide a few things here. Usopp, are you going to do some shopping?
Usopp: Good question.
Luffy: Hey, guys get a load of this! They all go to him
Nami: No wanted plaster I hope
They see it was not. Thank goodness
Stella: Oh. A firework Festival! And best of all, it's today!
Nami: All right! I haven't seen fireworks in so long!
Sanji: You will tonight, and I'll be your escort. He held her
Nmai: No, Thanks. I'm going with Stella.
Sanji was now on the ground.
I'll finally get a great from you all!
Stella: I'd love to go with you.
Man: I have used you folks around before. Have you come here to watch the fireworks?
Nami: No, not really.
Luffy: Famous? So, this thing is well-known?
Man: Yeah. It's a yearly tradition we celebrate.
Man 2: And it's been going on for 400 years now.
Usopp: 400 years! That long?
Man 2: Look. You see that tower up on that Monutaint? They all look
The family living in the house next to it has been making fireworks for the festivals for generations. Now the only people who live there are the old man and his Granddaughter
Usopp: Then, does the old man make the fireworks by himself?
Man: Oh on! The girl is his apprentice and they make them together. They spend all year making fireworks just for this day. It's really something.
Luffy: A whole year? Why does it take them so long?
Nami: Well, because... There are all sorts of reasons. If I told you would understand
Luffy: Okay
Stella: Nmai if you don't know you don't have to be embarrassed
Luffy the reason why it takes so long is because of the 400 years. It would get better over time. So if the fireworks get better will need a little more time to prepare them and seeing how it's just them two it will take time seeing then age may or may not affect how it takes them to make it.
Luffy: The fewer People the longer it takes to make
Stella: Yeah.
Usoppv That's it! That is what we need now! Gunpowder! Wonder if they'd share a little with us. I'm gonna find out
Man: I hope we don't have a repeat of what happened last year.
Man 2: Yeah, I do too.
Nami: What happened last year
Man: well everything as goika wonderful--
Man 2: Kadoyan they are here to have a good time. We don't need to ruin it by telling them about last year
Man: Yeah, that's true. Sorry, it's nothing. Forget about it.
Luffy: Right! We should tell Zoro and Robin about the fireworks.
Sanji: Yeah! I'll tell Robin myself!
Luffy: Or maybe we should eat first.
Sanji: Who asked you?
Usopp: This is how a firework of my making turns out. He had a small fireworks. I'll show them this and they'll be so impressed they'll say, 'If you're skilled to make fireworks like this, take as much gunpowder as you know for free! I'll get all the gunpowder we need! Laughs
Old man: Hell No.
Usopp: Maybe he's an apprentice. I wanna talk to the head fireworker maker.
Old man: You bet. I'm Boss Odama, the pyrotechnist. The answer is no
Usopp: Please. I'm a pyrotechnic too. You can spare a little, can't you? You may have lots of gunpowder,  right
Boss: I don't have any gunpowder to give to a novice like you. He gets up. Now be on your way, please. Goodbye
Usopp: Wait! You can't write me off as a novice until you've checked up my work!  Look at this shell. He was inside to see a big firework. That thing is huge! Gigantic
Boss: Who permitted you to come across my threshold?
Usopp; Hey, old-timer is that real? This papier-mâché, right?
Boss: What would be papier-mâche me doing lying around a firework master home? Yes,  it's real. What were you babbling about? A shell?
He hid it. What shell? A girl grabbed it
Girl: A three-gauge shell it's pasted together a little loosely but I think it will still function. Why were bidding on it? It would be a water not to finish it.
Usopp: What are you
Girl: I'm Kodama, The granddaughter of Grandpa Odama over there.
Usopp: You're the little girl that makes the fireworks together with the old man?
Koda: Yep, that's me. Don't let my age fool you. I'm. pretty skillful.  In my not-so-humbled opinion maybe even as much as Grandpa.
He hits her head.
Boss: If you're done, there's work to do! You were supposed to contact the launch team
Koda: I did!  They're going to be here shortly to carry the shell away. I was I'm to get them out.
Boss; Before that prepare the mortars and wagon!
Koda: I know! Fine, mean grump! She walks away.
Boss: What's with you?  Don't just stand there! Go give her a hand!
Usopp: Why
Boss: Because I tell you to! He threw something at him
Usopp ducked and ran out. What's with this guy? He tells me to leave and then he tells me to help! I give up I'm leaving
Koda: Hey! Slacking off! Help me out!
What! You're not here to become an apprentice?
Usopp: Of course not. I just came here to get some gunpowder from you.
Koda: You have your own firework, so I thought you wanted to be an apprentice. They were loading up a cart.
Usopp: I just made that one for fun. I hate to admit it but I'm not up to working pro.
Koda: Okay, but honestly that shell is well put together. You should hurry up and finish it.
Uospp: come to mention it, you've said that same thing before. What do you mean? I thought it was already finished.
Koda: Fireworks only become finished when they blossom beautifully in the night sky. Which is why all the fireworks in the storehouse are unfinished goods. These launching mortars too. They're not finished until they fire the shells.
Usopp: You're pretty deep for a kid.
Koda: It's like I said. I'm young but don't let my age fool you.
Usopp: I won't. What about that big one in there? Can you say the same? It's not finished either until you are it off. I sure would like to see that one go off.
Koda; Last year we tried to launch a big one just like that.
Usopp: There was another one like that?
Koda: But it didn't work. There was an accident.
Usopp: You don't mean..?
Koda: My mommy and Daddy. They died a year ago today.  The launch for the 200+gauge shell went wrong.
Usopp:The weather is crummy today. Do you still hold this party if it rains?
Koda: If the weather allows it, I promise you I'll do it.
Grams came to see the rain
Boss: Contuiet with the preparation
Koda: Okay
Usopp: You promise to do what?
She wipers in his ears
Koda: If it cares up tonight, I'm planning on launching the 200-gauge shell.
Usppp went to speak when fireworks went into his mouth.
No silly! Fireworks aren't food!
Gramps left
It's a secret, you dummy!
Usopp: Look, I don't care how old you are you can't launch that by yourself.
Koda: I know. I asked the launch team to help, and they said they would.
Usopp: Even so, one of these already failed to launch one, right? It's too dangerous.
Koda: That's okay. I want to do it.
Usopp: It's not okay. Are you trying to get the launch team caught in this time?
Koda: No, of course not. They'll just settle it up and then take cover I'll take care of the launching by myself
Usopp: By yourself?  No! I'll tell your grandpa right now. He went to walk away. She trips him. And he falls. His nose bleed
Uospp: Just what do you think you're doing?
Koda: That's what I was going to say!
Don't go ruining my mommy and daddy's dream.
Usopp: Your mommy and Daddy's dream
Koda: That's right. Our family has been making fireworks for generations, for over 400 years now. She wipes the blood off with her slaves
Usopp: Hey it's okay.
Koda: We once had the technical skill to make and lunches 200-gauge shells, but at some point, the tradition was broken.  It was my mommy and Daddy's dream to bring back that skill. That's why tonight I'm going to finish their dream.
Usopp: I understand how you feel, but... Wait. Why would you just blab something like that to me?
Koda: Do you want to know?
They were outside.
Usopp: You want me to keep your grandpa occupied?
Koda: Yes. The lunch team will be here soon to carry the shell away. While they're doing that, keep Grandpa occupied inside, so he doesn't come out here. Please!
Usopp: Mind Geez! How can I help her out with something so dangerous?
She was inside. Uospp was still outside
Koda was praying on the Shell
Usopp loled back and saw the tower.
Hold on a minute.
Gramps: a prayer before launching? A fine thing to do. But that isn't what you'll be launching. You'll be doing the smaller ones.
Koda: The launching team. Why did you tell him?
Gramps: Watch what you say. They were thinking of you when they told me.
Koda: Why? She grabs on their own.
Pants. Why? After all the begging I did?
Man: Sorry, Kodama. But it's just too reckless. That thing is sure to misfire.
Koda: You don't know that for sure. I'm not a fire of that.
Gramps: Stop all this it's not as though they don't know how those us left behind feel. This isn't what it means to carry on their wishes.
Koda runs away
Usopp was fixing something on the outside. And saw her.
Man: Well, we'll get things ready.
Gramps: Yeah, if you please
The team's walks off.
Usopp: Say, you're getting ready even with the rain?
Gramps: The rain will let up soon. The wind is coming in from the east.  Kodama is the only one who doesn't realize it.
Usopp: Old-timer, has that structure been there the whole 400 years?
Gramps: It has, kid. Why do you ask?
Usopp: I've got a hunch. How about hearing me out?
Koda was in the graveyard
Usopp: These are the graves?  They're funky.
Koda: Mommy and Daddy, like I said, if this long spell of rain ends it means that I have your permission. and I can launch the 200-gauge shell. And finally, finish the dream If it doesn't stop raining, does that mean you don't want me to?
Usoop: Voiced them. It doesn't mean that at all. We just don't want you to it right now we'll even stop the rain if you shoot off the regular fireworks
Koda: But, Mommy and Daddy your dreams won't be filled
Usopp: The dreams in just lunching the shell. She looks up. It's not. You're our dream Koda we want you to carry on the family tradition and become a master pyrotechnist it will take some time. After years of experience, you'll be able to make your own 200-gauge shell one day. Don't rush it. If you can bring back our family tradition in the future that's great. But honestly, if our little girl is safe and sound then our dreams have been filled. So for right now let Gramp handle the 200-gauge shell. You just keep showing us your beautiful fireworks and we'll watch it from heaven. Okay
Koda: All right I will!  Just you wait one say, I'll make my own 200-gauge shell!
Usopp: Thanks, sweetie. We love you. And now as promised
It's stopped raining
Koda: The rain! It stopped! That was amazing! Who are you?
Usopp: Who me? I'm the messenger sent from heaven, Usopp the Angel
Koda: Usopp the Angle? You're full of baloney! He runs. Hey Mr.Angle. Thank you for what you said. Uwopp walks after her.
The fireworks show was on.
Nami: How pretty.
Stella: I know.

Don't mind the sword

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Don't mind the sword.
Koda: Lunch.
One after another com on.
Luffy was eating mean
Sanji tried to put his hand over Nami's shoulder. She smacked it away.
Zoro looked as if he was thinking of something
Gramps: I must admit I'm impressed.
Speaking of which. By using the well on a cart in the yard as a pull, that novice devised an ingenious way to drag that thing out of the storehouse. He was right. Who would have thought that tower was really the launch platform for a family's 200-gauge Shell? Usopp was pulling the shell in the tower. Amazing! Who is this kid anyway
Koda: Okay the big finish
Fireworks went off back to back.
Usopp: This incredible
Gramps: Yes, outstanding. Is it ready
Usopp: Sure is!
Man: Last one!
Man 2: This is it
Koda: Right.
Zoro: Damnit I missed my chance.
Everyone was clapping.
Usopp: All right. Bounce away!  He lights his fireworks from the tower. It was small
Nmai: Why was that one so crappy.
Stella: It came from the tower it's farther away.
Usopp: That's how my first firework turned out? Let's wrap this up!
The Old man lit up the Big Shell
It was the biggest fireworks there. Zoro held onto Stella's waist and kissed her.
Stella smiles.
Koda: That firework was Mommy and Daddy's shell! To be able to make one that did all that showed me what a skilled pyrotechnist they both were. I hope I can follow in their footsteps and make a firework like that someday. Mommy! Daddy! Thank you!
Usopp: old-timer can I have some gunpowder?
Gramp: Geez, novice. I don't know anything about you. You may be a pirate. Take as much as you want!
Another great Dad Usopp. Zoro is a Dad to Chopper because I say so.

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