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June 17, 2023

The tires sped across the wet road at an unmeasurable speed. The sudden rain made it almost impossible for Mingi to see. In his right hand he had a phone that he had found in the glove compartment of the car. It was Yunho's and fortunately he had saved the numbers of the others.
Mingi tapped hysterically on the display while trying to follow the road. After a short while, someone finally picked up.

"Yeosang, here is Mingi," Mingi called into the receiver. He could only vaguely hear Yeosang's reply as the rain pelted down on the car with a loud splash. "Listen to me. I think Yunho has been kidnapped," shouted Mingi. Yeosang answered something, but Mingi couldn't understand a word. The connection was getting worse and worse.

Mingi raced around the next curve that led along the sea. "Yeosang, can you hear me?" he shouted, and the next moment the phone slipped from his fingers. The windscreen wipers did their best, but Mingi could barely see anything. He cursed and his concentration vanished into thin air for a second. Instead, all he could think about was, where Yunho was now and who might have kidnapped him.

He didn't pay attention to the path and saw the next curve that led into the forest too late. His eyes widened and he gripped the steering wheel, but it was too late and the car crashed through the stone wall towards the sea. Less than a second later, the car and Mingi were swallowed up by the cold water...


Yunho felt his arm being grabbed roughly. His eyes were blindfolded. He had no idea what had happened. He remembered running after Mingi at the beach, but then it all felt like a blurred dream.

Someone grabbed him by his ankles and he was dragged off the hard ground he was lying on. Yunho felt the fear slowly spreading through him. Everything that had just happened seemed as familiar to him as if it had happened yesterday. Would everything start all over again?

Yunho heard different voices, but couldn't focus on what they were saying. His fear made everything numb. That's why he didn't feel the dull pain when he was released and landed on an even colder floor than before. His fingertips ran over the cold concrete and just one touch was enough for him to know where he was.

He began to scream with all the strength he had left. His whole body curled up and his hands behind his back pressed so hard against the restraints that they made deep cuts in his skin. He knew he was back. Back in his own personal hell..


Hongjoong, Seonghwa, San and Yeosang got into the car. San started the engine and even before all the doors were closed, he drove off.

"Are you sure Yunho is there?" Yeosang asked, earning killing looks from Hongjoong and Seonghwa. "They've been following us for weeks and want to provoke my father." Hongjoong said as he began to load his gun. He also threw one to Yeosang. "We will get him back and anyone who gets in our way will be killed. Understood?" Everyone nodded and San pressed the gas pedal with all his strength.


June 25, 2023

Mingi felt as if he had been asleep for years when he slowly woke up and opened his eyes. Bright light shone directly into his face and he blinked a few times. Suddenly he caught sight of purple hair. He smiled. Had he died and was now in heaven?

He heard a voice, then he saw the face of his best friend. Not a second later, the face of his second best friend. Smiling, he closed his eyes again. He really was in heaven and everything was finally good again.

Mingi's feelings of happiness disappeared after he felt someone gently shake him. Life after death couldn't feel that real, could it?

"Can you hear us?" a voice echoed and Mingi's eyes snapped open again. The faces of Jongho and Wooyoung were still there. "Wooyoung, Jongho," Mingi croaked, feeling a sharp pain in his chest. Then he remembered everything. His accident, the beach house and Yunho.

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