chapter 3: Break Downs

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mental break downs, emotional break downs. just, break downs in general are not fun. i've had some break downs, and i'll probably have more. and that's fine! sure, it's not fun to feel like you're going insane and that any second your head is going to explode from the break down.

 Breakdowns is just something that happens, it's just a part of life and it will pass. it might take a while for you to over come break downs, if there even is a way to. everything happens for a reason, and sometimes you just need to wait them out. like your period, you can't "turn it off" (as much as i wish you could) you have to wait for the end of it. 

yes, there is somethings you can take that can help with it, but somethings you can't afford. so then you're just left with sitting in the corner of your job or school having a break down.

Also, if you're having a break down, would people even notice? would people take note that you're having a break down? or are you just a background noise? mental health becoming less and less until there's nothing to hold onto, no one to lean on for help to ask to be there for you. Is there anyone who can help you, someone you trust, to help you during a break down? or are you to scared to ask? do you have no one to trust to help you when you need it the most? because, yes, people need you. but you need people as well. you need someone to help you in your lowest. like how you help people in their lowest. 

because, sure, maybe you feel like you don't need help. sure, you probably don't want to bug someone with your problems. but how are you going to get better? how are you going to over come what you're going though if you don't ask for help? your problems can't fix themself over night. you, yes you, are the only person who can make yourself help yourself. no one else can get you to go to therapy. no one else can get you to open up. you are the person who makes the choice to talk about the problems you have.

and if you're not ready, then that's fine. you can wait until you are. just, sometimes, what you think is the answer. is actually not the answer.

(I honestly don't know how i went from talking about break downs to me being a fucking therapist-) 

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