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I've always said I don't get jealous because I've never been jealous of girls who I thought were prettier than me,
Girls who had a better body or better hair. 
Girls who got all the guys and had the most beautiful smiles. 

But I do get jealous.

I get jealous every time I see a girl with a big brother who wants to protect her from the world.
Or a girl whose father cared enough about her to try harder.
Or a girl whose mother made her fell valued at a young age.
Or a girl who hasn't had to be grown up since she was ten.

I'm jealous of the girls who got to have a teenage experience without crippling trauma getting in the way. 
I'm jealous of the girls whose siblings didn't think she hated them when she couldn't have loved them more.
Or the girl who knows how to love because she has people who love her. 
Or the girl who hasn't completely given up on a better future.
I'm jealous of girls who can be jealous of other girls for something as small as their appearance because that's all they really have to be jealous about.

So, I guess, I am jealous.


My friend mickyjoy06 wrote this so please give all credit to her. 

Love you bestie! 


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