Chapter one "Finale selection"

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Tjay's Pov.

I looked around the final selection. I saw many slayers, they seemed pretty decent. Well from sanemi told me, our year is trash and should give up, he even said he doubts anyone but me will make it. I was disappointed when he didn't even at least mention his brother. If I'm honest Genya has lots of potential, especially with that weird thing he has.

I noticed lots of flower trees surrounding the area. If I'm not mistaken, it should be wistaria. I noticed Genya, and walked up to him.

"Hey, Gen" I smiled as I looked up at him.

"Hey, Tjay" He nodded as we waited.

"Alright, I'm gonna look around some more" He nodded and waved me off.

I took more mental notes of our surroundings. The only people that stood out that much to me was This dark red haired boy, with a fox mask. He looked calm about the whole situation.

I turned around to notice a black haired male, he seemed bland, but noticing his stance he looks clumsy.

I turned to look back at genya, when I noticed he was yelling at some yellow haired dude. The male looked scared so I came towards him.

"Come on Genya, its probably not that deep."

"No! I don't care" He stormed off.

I'm not even surprised, him and his brother are just alike. I glanced at the yellow male. "Hey, sorry about him."


I just stared at him, with a blank expression.


I softened my look, "wait no im not judging you, I  understand why you're scared. Just I didn't expect you to be this scared? Are you okay?"

"What do you think? Please protect me, I won't get in your way"

"I mean I can watch you I guess?" I sighed.

In a flash he hugged me tight. I just awkwardly patted his back, I don't really like hugs in particular but I let it slide since he was scared.

"Hey, what's your name anyways?" I asked.

"Zenitsu Agastuma" He muttered as he wiped his tears.

"That's pretty unique I guess." I paused, "Why are you so scared anyways? Your teacher wouldn't have sent you if they didn't think you were ready. Shouldn't you fueled enough that your mentor has faith in you?"

Zenitsu paused letting go of me. "Its more complicated than you think. I try i really do!" He had a sad expression as he glanced to the side.

"I see. well I bet we'll both make it" I smiled.

"You're delusional." He mumbled.

I looked up at him, "how old are you anyways? You look old as hell."

His jaw dropped "ILL HAVE YOU KNOW IM ONLY 16!" 

"Yeah okay old head" I continue "I'm 13 but I'll be 14 soon."

"Why the hell are you here? Why don't you train an extra year or so?" he asked.

"I would rather become a slayer with Genya, or the person who was yelling at you previously than be left behind."

He nodded in  understanding.

*"Attention! the final selection will be starting soon. we hope to see you leave in the same way you entered, remember, attack demons not other slayers"*

"You ready?" I asked as I started walking.

"I guess" He sighed.

I continued walking as Zenitsu followed. The wisteria smells nice, its really pretty too. "Zen, look doesn't this look-" as I glanced behind me he was freaking out already. I didn't even bother finishing my sentence. I just started jogging slightly making sure he followed. He's freakishly fast though.  about an hour in I saw a slayer running full speed away. "I wonder why he's running" I said to Zenitsu who was still on his toes.

"Dont you hear that?" "Sounds like a demon!" he was actually tweaking out. over here doin a back bridge, and some other random stuff. Who knew a human can bend like that?

"Dude you're probably overreact-" I paused as i bumped into something. "ing.." I glanced up seing a demon in front of me smirking. "Well, well, well, look who we have here" The demon uttered. I nearly gagged because of its stank breath.

I stood up, "Hey Zen-" I glanced back seeing him gone. oh. I grasped both my katanas. taking it out.

"You really are a fucking idiot if you think you can kill me" The demon laughed maniaclly. Then started talking about his whole backstory. To be honest boring as hell. didn't even give him a chance to finish before I sliced his arm off.

"What the hell kid!?" Let me finish you damn mutt!" He suddenly attacked  going for a right jab, I dodged backwards with the demon barely missing. I used the chance while was unstable kick him down before slicing his neck.

I started walking away. time to find Zen now.  I was suddenly cut around my left arm slicing it open. The hell? I glanced back seeing the same demon still withering away flipping me off. Talk about petty. I kicked his head away like a damn soccer ball.


what the- did i hit someone?

"Zenitsu is that you?" 

He peaked  from behind the tree. I looked at him unamused. "did you have to leave me?"


He came from behind the tree as we continued walking around. "I say we find a Tree to rest in so I can wrap this." I lifted my left hand up showing my large wound.

"Are you kidding? A cave would be better because atleast if it rains we'll stay warm."

"yeah but think of it, Demons are most likely gonna check there." 

He slowly nodded understanding my point. once I found a tree big enough I slowly climbed despite the pain in my arm. Zenitsu helped pull me up I sat down  in the center of the tree so we were covered by most leafs. I then started wrapping my arm.

"You don't know how to wrap it do you?" Zenitsu looked at me unamused.

"No, I'm just kinda winging it."

He sighed before taking it out my hands and helping me. "sometimes I forget your a damn child" I just shrugged as he helped. Once he finished I stood up, "now to find dinner."

"You realize theres no animals in here correct?" He said looking at me.

"Wait are you serious?"

"Did you really not pack food?" 

"No.. I just assumed there was like animals or something."

He sighed tossing me Onigiri. "It's the least I can do since you helped me."

"Thanks." I said as I ate.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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