Chapter 11

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Ok just to get things straight in this peanut that I call a brain almost everyone is dead. So the people who are left are Jake, Lucas, Fred, old bald guy, granny, and myself. Nixie is dead, she was like a angle from heaven who came and blowed me away. She was my reason to keep going, like I even cared what happened to those self centred peanut brained idiots. Not Jake and Lucas though, Fred is a peanut brained idiot most of the time.

"Hey Adam, are you going to keep carrying that thing around or what?" asked Fred who looks grossed out by the sight of Nixie's body.

"That thing! You called her a thing Fred! You are going to pay for that, got it." I scream emotionally.

This might be a shock but I had a huge crush on her and I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend the day after her death. Now I'm just a lonely guy who feels like his heart was ripped into a million pieces and I mean it.

"Jake you awake?" I ask in a little shy baby voice.

Jake mumbles "What you want, I'm trying to sleep here."

"What should I do about Nixie's body?
I don't want to just let her be like the others, all lifeless in a pile." I replied now crying.

"One throw her off the cliff or burn her, either way works for me now go to sleep!" Jake mumbling even louder this time.

Well I should decide because when I wake up I will have to do it anyway.
What the demons of hell is that noise, and yes I said demons of hell. Mostly because Nixie didn't like people using bad language. Great it's Fred, he is snoring again. Maybe if someone shoved a bird down his throat it will sound better then it is right now.

It's time to say a proper goodbye to Nixie. I don't want to watch her burn so the cliff it is. Right before I have to drop or throw her over I put her on the ground and passionately kiss her before I part for good this time.

I whisper into her ear "See you when it's my turn."

Then a drop her and a couple of seconds later all I feel is a empty pit of sadness building up inside me. I'm left heartbroken because I don't have her, it's because I don't have you Nixie here with me.

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