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We woke up on the couch, barely moving from where we were last night. I took down at Taraji who has her face buried in my stomach. Combing my hands through her hair and looking at the puffiness that has engulfed her eyes, I admirably stroke her cheek.

As I sit there caressing her arm I get lost in my own thoughts. Not noticing that she has woken up. She places her hand on my arm and moves it to her waist, pulling herself closer to me, she lays there with her eyes closed still.

Good morning. I whisper into her ear before I kiss her cheek softly.

Mmm, good morning.

Neither of us wanting to get up, I prompt a conversation.

No rush to move right now. Do you have anything in mind for today? I ask positioning my head to look down at her face.

Mmmm... let just stay in. Her eyes still closed, she moves her face into my lap. I just want to stay here for a bit.

Nodding my head as if she can see me, I oblige.

We stay on the couch, her laying there as I stroke her head while I stare out of the glass patio doors. After an hour, we both get our day started. I watch her as she sits up and hold a momentary gaze at the album that is on the coffee table.

I can't believe we finished filming The Color Purple yesterday, what a day! She says fixing her gaze to me.

You know what, I think we should go out and celebrate instead. I agree with a head nod and a gentle touch on her thigh.

Sure baby, that's fine with me. I stand up and put my hand out for her to grab.

I lead her upstairs to her bedroom and I see that she has placed my bag in the closet. She trails off to the bathroom and I walk over to the closet to move clothes from my bag to a vacant spot in her closet.

Do you have any idea of what you want to do? I yell out to Taraji awaiting her response.

I'm met with silence. I walk over to the bathroom and see her naked. Shower with me. I look at her body and back at her face.

I enter the bathroom and watch her walk to the shower and turn on the faucet as I start removing my clothes.

She enters leaving the door open. I step in after and she has the water dripping off her body looking directly at me. Tilting her head back, she wets her hair. I watch the most sensual imagery I've ever seen in life. We stand there looking at each other face to face blushing.

Grabbing the washcloth, I apply body wash to it and place it on her chest. She surveys my body with her shimmering brown eyes and bites her lip. I place a passionate kiss on her lips and continue to apply the soap to her body.

She swaps places with me still having soap on her body and places me under the water planting exploring kisses on my neck causing me knees to suddenly become weak. She has found a spot that provides immense pleasure. I release a hushed whimper.

She takes the remaining lather on the washcloth and places it on my chest slowly moving down to my breast. Intentional with her movements, careful and attentive to each breast.  Her kisses have moved from my neck to my lips. Sloppy kisses that were eager, longing to touch me in any way.

She slips her hand with the washcloth down to my stomach, stabilizing her hand on my throat as she longs to insert her tongue into my mouth. Opening my mouth I let out a soft moan. Her tongue longing for dominance and my body allowing her.

I reach for her body trying to gain control, she moves the rag to my back. She lingers with the rag just above my behind and releases my neck. I find a moment, the perfect moment.

Something New | Taraji x Fantasia (On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now