~Is this love?~

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((Small A/N: Arrow sees Kodiak as a big brother, and Saber, as the person who has a crush on her brother))

A few months got by as Saber's fellings got more intence for Kodiak, it got at the point that for no reason Saber would try to rizz Kodiak as he was working. Arrow had her suspitions about Saber and Kodiak, so she decided to talk to Saber.

''Hey, Saber''. She called out.

Saber looked at her with a glare.

''Can you come with me, I just wanna talk about something real quick.''.

Saber soon got up of his seat and followed Arrow to her room. As they arrived, Arrow closed the door. Saber got confused.

''Say... what are you trying to do with Kodiak?''. She asked nearly growling.

''I have no idea what your talking about Arrow''.

''Don't play dumb with me! I knwo your trying to do something with him! Tel me what it is!''. She'd yell.

Saber took a deep sigh.

''Fine.... I... I'm trying to make him.. love me..''. Hed say in defeat. 

Arrow was taken by shock for a second, before puting her hand on his shoulder.

''Oh! Okay! I'll help you with that!''

BP-860 got so confused, until BP-002 explained. But little did they know someone, or somebot was lisening. 

A few minutes passed by as the 2 bots came back, tho something was off in the room. When they entered to work room, Kodiak avoided every eye contact he could with Saber and Arrow. The femme tried to get BP-801's attention, but nothing. He finished up his papers and walked towards his room. Jason on the other hand was lisening and watching the whole thing, so he went to Kodiak's room, just to check on him. The boss knocked at the door before going in, only to see his partner layed in his berth.

''Hey... you good bud?''. He'd ask.

Kodiak simply hummed and turned his head away. Jason layed his weight on the railling as he asked the same question again. Tho to his surprise got a different awnser than the first time.

''Yeah.... I'm okay, just that I overheard Saber and Arrow talk... And i don't know what to make of it....I mean I do fell the same way as Saber.... But I don't know why, or how, even... I don't know what to make about what I'm feeling...''. Kodiak replied.

Jason started to snort abit before he awnsered Kodiak. 

''Kodiak, bud, you felling 'love' for Saber''.

The white mech tilted his head in confusion.


''Yup... and I'm sure he does feel the same way for you.. So got talk to him!''. Jason incuraged him. 

The bots face slightly lit up.

''Okay, I will''. BP-801 replied before turning his head back to glance jason a lost time. ''Thank you''. hed smile.

''No problem''.

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