Chapter 5

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Chapter five

Lorgan sat by Mikey's bedside, his face filled with worry and sadness. He gently held her hand and asked, "How are you feeling today, my love?"

Mikey smiled weakly and replied, "They say I'm close to death, but look at how strong I am!" She then tried to flex her muscles, but it was clear that her strength was fading.

Lorgan's grip on her hand tightened slightly, his eyes filled with concern. He knew that Mikey was putting on a brave front, not wanting to worry him. He leaned in closer and whispered, "You don't have to pretend to be strong for me, my love. I'm here for you, no matter what."

Mikey's smile wavered, and tears welled up in her eyes. She whispered back, "I know, Lorgan. And that's what gives me strength."

Unbeknownst to them, Viviane was standing near the doorway, listening to their conversation. Her heart ached as she heard their words and witnessed their love and concern for each other. She felt a mix of emotions - sadness, longing, and a sense of helplessness.

Viviane had been silently carrying her own pain, and seeing Lorgan and Mikey's bond reminded her of what she had lost. She yearned for someone who would hold her hand and ask her how she was feeling, someone who would understand her fears and offer support.

Feeling a lump in her throat, Viviane quietly turned away and retreated to her own solitude. She knew that she had to find her own strength and face her own battles, even if it meant doing it alone.

Viviane turned away, her mind consumed by a whirlwind of thoughts.

Intrigued by the commotion, Viviane followed the sound and stumbled upon a chaotic scene orchestrated by a spirited five-year-old. The child, whom Viviane later learned was named Blanka, was causing quite a stir in the hospital corridor, demanding immediate attention from the overwhelmed staff.

"Excuse me! Excuse me!" Blanka's high-pitched voice echoed through the hallway. "I need someone to help me right now! Can't you see?"

Viviane approached Blanka with a mix of concern and determination. "Hey there, what seems to be the matter?" she asked, trying to keep her voice calm.

"I'm bored and I want someone to play with me!" Blanka replied, her voice filled with frustration.

Understanding the child's need for attention, Viviane crouched down to Blanka's eye level. "I can see that you're feeling upset, but causing a scene won't help you find someone to play with. Let's try to find a solution together, alright?"

Blanka crossed her arms and scowled. "I don't want to find a solution! I want someone to play with me right now!"

Viviane took a deep breath, trying to maintain her patience. "I understand that you're feeling lonely, but we need to be respectful of the people around us. Let's try to find a different way to get the attention you need."

Blanka's eyes narrowed, and she looked up at Viviane defiantly. "If I don't get what I want, I'm going to make everyone suffer!"

Viviane's heart sank at the child's words, but she remained steadfast in her approach. "Blanka, it's important to remember that our actions have consequences. Hurting others won't solve the problem. Let's think about how we can handle this situation calmly and considerately."

Reluctantly, Blanka unfolded her arms and sighed. "Fine, I'll wait, but only because you asked nicely."

Viviane smiled, relieved that she had managed to defuse the tension. "Thank you, Blanka. I appreciate your cooperation. I'm sure we'll find a way to make your time here more enjoyable."

Blanka looked up at Viviane with a mischievous grin. "By the way, my name is Blanka. What's your name?"

Viviane chuckled, delighted by Blanka's sudden change in demeanor. "It's nice to meet you, Blanka. My name is Viviane. I'm here to help you have a great time while you're at the hospital."

Blanka's eyes lit up with excitement. "Viviane! That's a cool name! Can we be friends?"

Viviane nodded, touched by Blanka's enthusiasm. "Of course, Blanka! I would love to be your friend. We can have lots of fun together."

As they walked down the corridor, Blanka chatted animatedly about her favorite toys and games, and Viviane listened attentively, grateful for the opportunity to brighten the young girl's day.

Viviane and Blanka's friendship blossomed with each passing day, as they cherished their time together. They laughed, played, and created memories that would endure.

Sitting on the rooftop, watching the sunset, Blanka turned to Viviane with a heartfelt smile. "Viviane, I know my time here is limited," she said softly. "But I have a request for you."

Viviane held Blanka's hand, her eyes welling with tears. "Of course, Blanka. Anything."

"Promise me that you'll embrace happiness with all your might," Blanka said, her voice filled with determination. "Life is too precious to waste on sorrow and regret. Promise me you'll find joy in every moment."

Viviane nodded, her voice choked with emotion. "I promise, Blanka. I'll seize each day, just as you've taught me."

Blanka smiled, a sense of serenity washing over her. "Thank you, Viviane. That means the world to me."

As days turned into weeks, Blanka's condition deteriorated, and it became evident that her time was drawing near. Viviane remained by her side, offering solace and unwavering support.

When the moment arrived, Blanka passed away peacefully, surrounded by love. Her spirit lived on in the hearts of those who cherished her, and her memory became an enduring source of inspiration.

To honor Blanka's memory, Viviane made her first wish. She wished for her family to discover happiness and acceptance, knowing that Blanka's friendship had taught her the significance of love and understanding.

Her second wish was deeply heartfelt. If she were to have a daughter in the future, Viviane desired to name her after Blanka. It was a beautiful way to keep Blanka's spirit alive and pay homage to their bond.

Lastly, Viviane embraced Blanka's final wish. She chose to donate her organs, understanding that it would provide others with a chance for a new lease on life. It was a selfless act that carried forth Blanka's legacy of love and hope.

As Viviane gazed at the stars, she knew that Blanka's spirit would forever be with her. She vowed to live a life filled with love, joy, and gratitude, cherishing Blanka's memory in her heart every step of the way.

To be continued

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