I know you drink away the pain
To stay sane
You keep your feelings in
Thinking your just a has been
But in someones eyes
No matter how many lies
Deep in your soul
They see the hole
I know you want to do things
on your own
Trying to be in the zone alone
Excuses to get support
You'd rather be in court
Ignoring all the ones you love
Thinking your above
Feeling like no one gets it
Thinking your life isn't worth shit
Your putting yourself in a lifeless pit
Not wanting to commit
Causing a big fit
Wondering where all this started
You know you were open hearted
Now the door is shut
Deep in your gut
Your past is making you live a life of fraud
Your heart can't be unthawed
Abused by the ones you trusted
Making you disgusted
Smoking then drinking
Your life started sinking
You stopped caring
Because all of it was to overbearing
Slowly lost your son
Now nothing is fun
Lost people who trust you
Your unburned bridges are now few
You want to let people in
But Instead you sin
You'd rather die
Then have to cry
You lost all your hope
People try to get you to cope
Do you want to get better?
Or end everybody's love letter
The choice is yours to make
Your free to leave or take