seaventeen . officuddles

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It all went very silent, you could hear the sounds of the outdoors, a mouse, even a pen dropping.

It's uncomfortable silence when we just asked out your crush...

This isn't normally a good thing.

I was left alone to think about the encoder with the female looking like my crush in the alleyways of Enclover.

I bit my lip and shamefully looked down.. we overkilled, out of jealousy.

He probably likes Todo--

"Yes." He said quietly.. "sorry I was processing"

I looked up blushing red. "So we're boyfriends now."

"Yes," he said with a soft nod.

I glazed down the line, it seems all went to gay land at the moment we heard yes.

I let out a surpassed chuckle as I walked over putting the chocolate on the table, "may i?" I asked hushed.

Now we all agreed, when it happend who ever wasn't utterly broke got the frist offical kiss.

"May you..?" He asked quietly.

"He's asking permission to kiss you nerd" katsuki buts in, in a softer tone the useasl.

He chuckled and put his hand gently on my cheek, with a soft nod, I raise a hand tower his, smiling a shark-toothy grien at him before slowly leaning in connecting our lips.

My other arm hooks around him slowly lifting him around, as we had a soft kiss when it broke he laid on my chest, as I held him close to me I nuzzled his green hair.

"For someone with a harding qurick you're gentle" he giggles soft, "even you're hands are soft"

I chuckle, "I get that one alot pebble"

Kamibro and serobro walk up, "kiri stop hogging our darling" kamiari said.

I chuckled and put him down, as we all took our turns with frist kisses and ended up snuggled up on the couch.

"I though earlier was the one time kat" I teased bakubro.

"Shut up shittyhair" he scowled, laying on izukus lap.

"Kacchan be nice or I won't play with youre hair" iuzku threatens, bopping the top of the head.

Katsuki pouted and glared at the wall, as izukus hand ran through it.

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