PROLOG: The Tails of The Shadow Demons

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CHAPTER 1 hell yeah, finally getting this thing started.

This will mean radios: <example>

This will mean character talk: "example"

This will mean character thoughts: 'example'

This will mean character action: *example*

The year is 1945 on the eastern front in Berlin. There were 2 American tank platoons, comming the streets

TC: <Driver keeps moving forward slowly>

Driver: <yes sarg>

*The American M4A3E8-76 Calliope moved along the streets along with the rest of the of his platoon at a slow pace, checking every corner thay came across.*

Loader: "yo Sarg, have you heard the tails that have been going around lately?"

TC: "You mean roamers? And which one? I've heard a lot."

Loader: "The one about some black creatures with red eyes and white scales?"

TC: "Yeah, I heard about that. But I don't beleave it till I see it."

*The tank comes to a stop as they had just reached an intersection splitting the road in two paths.*

TC: "I'll call 3rd platoon and see if they have run into this.

*The TC then drops down back into the turret and starts messing with the radio.*

TC: <Charly 3-4, This is Charly 2-4, over.>

*There was a pause before the radio picked up again*

Pov 3rd platoon TC

*The tank commander stands on top of his M26 SuperPershing tank, holding a small combat shovel*


*As he raised his shovel. He then heard his radio coming to life.*

Radio operator: "Sir, we got a call from C 2-4 requesting you. You better get down here, Sir, or your gunner will chew you out like last time."

*The Sir then got down and into his turret and connected to the radio*

Officer TC: <This is Charly 3-4. I read you Charly 2-4, LC>

2-4 TC: <Sir, what's your location>

3-4TC: <currently overlooking a German outpost, it's small, but it's got tanks a few Panzer 4s and 2 panther tanks

*There was a sound on 3-4s end before the radio cut out completely. All that's left was static*


*After the radio cut to static, the TC knew something was up, perhaps they got caught, and he knew where his other platoon was but not their exact location. But he could get a good estimate of where that were.*

TC: "Switch to platoon"


*As he said that, the other 3 tanks stated lining up to his right all facing the same direction there Platoon leader. He knew where his other platoon was but not their exact location to fire a hell, Mary, apon those German basteds, that was then he looked over to see a terrifying sight, a German tiger tank, pointing directly at his lined up Easy 8s*


*Before he could finish what he was saying, the sound of the 88 firing and hitting the 2 Sherman's furthest from his and destroying them both, the Shockwave alone from the ammo getting hit almost sent him flying out of his tank*


*his tank then started to move along with his other remaining tank.*

As the chaos was going on, we could find our Super Pershing having a good time.

LT: "Ahh! God, that hurt! Crew report, you alive?!" *as he grabs his head in pain from something hitting his tank*

Driver: "Somehow, not dead." *As he grumbles in pain.*

Gunner: "Surprisingly alive."

Radio operator: "....." *he's KO*

Loder: *popping his head out to see what hit them* "Well, it's safe to say we have company."

As we look out side of the tank, we can see several black werewolf like figures with red eyes and bone white scales with black lines slowly aprochin after their destruction on the German outpost.

Loader: "Well, I can safely say that the outpost is now destroyed. But now we have a new problem."

LT: 'OH no, what now?' "What do you see out there-" *he then pops his head out to see the same thing as his Loader* "Well......... shit, gunner starts firing at those things."

Gunner: 'What the tanks, what is he talking about?' *he then looks down his sights and sees one of the black creatures* 'AH' "ON THE WAY!"

*A shell from the Pershing 90 mm gun flies through the air, hitting one of the creatures in the chest, killing it. And to everyone's amazement, it started to crumble into black dust. This also made the rest of the pack charge at their tank.*

LT: 'OK, one down and 20 more to go. No problem, just....' "OUR LOADER NEED TO GET DOWN AND DO HIS JOB!" *as they both get down and lock the tank from the inside*

However, this did not stop the creatures from ripping into the tank with their claws. It took only a few minutes for the black werewolf like creatures to not only enter the tank but also kill the crew in a savage and gruesome way. As we pan out and look apon the German outpost, we can see it covered in fires, dead bodies, and these grim creatures and with one of the German Panzer 4s, destroyed in a similar way to the Super Pershing

Back at the Easy 8s

TC: <2-1 Keep your gun trained on that tiger and try not to let it kill you. I'll go around to its side and hit it where it will hurt!>

2-1TC: <Roger that PSG>

*2-1 takes cover behind its destroyed brothers and fires it 76mm at the tiger 2. However, the round simply bounced off the top of the German tank*

*2-4, on the other hand, menoverd down 2 blocks before making a turn that will lead them on the path that will expose the tigers' side and just as thay rounded the next corner to the tigers side thay head a loud boom comeing from the previous street. The easy 8 then popped out of the street with his turret facing to the left and the hull still facing forward. The TC saw something incredible and horrifying. The tiger 2 tank was on its side as a large bare the size of the tiger 2 ripping into it, killing the crew and the tank. The Baer looked at them with its red glowing eyes and it's thick black fur?*

TC: <FIRE AT THAT THING!> 'Wait, am I still on coms chat and not crew chat?'

*The bear then charged at their tank, and before the TC had any time to say any commands, that creatures was right on top of them and batted the tank away and killing the TC, Loader, Driver, Gunner, and radio operator, the only one left in a daze but alive was the co driver. He slowly awakens as all he can hear is white noise, and his vision is that of a drunk man. Next this he knew was nothing.*

A voice was heard in the pitch blackness of nothing.

???: "This was not meant to be your fate. I did not wish for my brother to have this to happen to you. But it did. I shall grant you 4 new life."

*eyes wide open and gasping for air as if she was a fish out of water, and then coughing from 4 different people could be heard*

(OK, this took longer than I thought, but hay, I got it done. I hope you enjoyed how it will all start)

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