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(Your POV)
I was watching a horror movie called called The Conjuring in the middle of the night since I didn't want to study for a test that was half our grade cause well let's face it studying is freaking boring now horror movies are great. I do special effects so I decided to put on Smiley makeup and get on omegle and prank people when my brother Nicholas ran down the stairs and tackled me to the ground, "AVA AND SHANE ARE COMING FOR AVAS BIRTHDAY SO YOU CANT BE MEAN!" He screamed as loud as he possibly could in your ear.

(Nicholas's POV)
I screamed in Claire's ear as loud as possibly could which startled her so much not only did she punch me hard enough for me to puke oh no but she also said she was gonna be my 'worst nightmare' soon so I just rolled my eyes laid Dow on the couch and fell asleep when hear comes Claire dumping BOILING hot water on my face screaming the house was on fire which I admit got me and scared the crap out of me even the im 11.

(Your POV)
Even though he's 11 im pretty sure he wont try that again and I think he might of crapped himself. A few minutes later Shepard woke up and Bella and Tori ran down the stairs to see what happened and when we told the what happened they said I couldn't be mean, vicious, or creepy which is not gonna end well.

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