Prologue: The Scarred Ronin Finale

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A couple of months had passed since that Sparring session, that makes a year and a half since Y/N and Mizu Have been married.

Since their little dual, Mizu had come to learn just how skilled Y/n was, and how much he helped her become better as well. He had even started teaching her how to use a naginata, a weapon that had been collecting dust in his home  until she took an interest in it.

They were currently sparring under the peach tree once again, the wear and tear on their clothes  and slight bruises showing that  they had been sparring for a while now.

" That is enough for today my lady." Y/n sheathing his bokken.

"I can keep going." Mizu said not willing to end the fight yet.

"Y/n smiled as he approached her. " I don't doubt that My lady, but one mustn't train to the point of exhausting themselves, it is unhealthy that it."  Y/n said as he kissed her cheek. " let us have a meal and continue later." Y/n said rubbing her shoulder, knowing how much she liked fighting.

Mizu pouted but  was willing to conceded. " Fine." Mizu then kissed his cheek and poked his chest. " but I'm holding you to it." Mizu said regarding him saying they would continue later.

Y/n smiled  and held her hand, taking her to kaoru, helping her up.

Mizu wrapped  arms around her husband's waist and y/n motioned kaoru to move, and soon they began strolling through the forest,  there was no rush.

Mizu then initiated conversation. "  we have been sparring for a while, you've made small comments but, how would you describe my skill with a sword." Mizu asked curiously, wishing to know his opinion as he was an established warrior.

"Hm... You have no formal training,  so you display movements other samurai would describe as unconventional."  Y/n said  thinking back to earlier spars with her.

Mizu didn't like those words and she felt he was dissapointing him, she just did what she felt was right. " i on that." Mizu said a bit disappointed with his words.

Y/n then craned his neck to look at her a bit. " you misunderstand my lady, that is not a bad thing, quite the opposite that it is."  Y/n said with a reassuring smile.

Mizu raised  her eyebrows in  surprise. " truly?" She asked.

Y/n nodded. " they are many  fighting styles to learn from, each with their strengths and weaknesses, however a glaring weakness each art shares is that  they leave no room to learn anything else, which in turn causes them to be predictable, easy to adapt to because the warriors refuse to do so." Y/n explained as his wisdom for combat was being displayed.

Mizu agreed with his words,  when she was studying swordsman while she was with sword father, she discarded anything  she deemed useless or detrimental.

"Your style relies on pressuring your opponent,  remaining on the offensive reducing the time they have to retaliate, and great ferocity to break my guard and force me to adjust." Y/n explained what he had learned  sparring with her. " you seek any advantage,  and you even appear to be learning from my style as well." Y/n said in an impressed tone " you are quite the opponent, my lady,  I must stay on my toes as our sparring sessions continue that I must." Y/n expressed with a bright smile

Mizu began smiling with pride and hugged him a bit tighter, she knew it was only a matter of time before he deduced she was adding a bit of his style to her own,  though she's surprised he noticed this fast, she hadn't added much, y/n wasn't a simple opponent either, he wasn't typically the aggressor in combat, he excelled in defense, preferring to bide his time blocking or parrying and unleashing counter attacks, which explains why Isidro was the base of many of his attacks, swift, with the intent a well placed blow,  she could deduce that he used this to conserve energy, she could see the benefits on this when on a battle field.

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