It's all so loud.. I will sooth it for you.

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Martyn as always in every LIFE game deals with the Watchers whispering and chanting things in his ears. Sometimes it's barely audible, sometimes it's not ignorable. It happens even when the server is still in its peaceful moments, maybe not right away but still happens after a week or so. It gave him painful headaches but he does not say shit to any of his allies, it's not affecting them so why ask them for help? It's not really their business to know about whatever is happening in his head.

That is— until DoubleLife. You get a randomized soulmate and they share your pain and damage.

Martyn knew that. What he did not know was that meant that Cleo, the soulmate in question, was feeling his headaches all the time.

So he was surprised when Cleo went over to his house to finally confront and ask him about it




Cleo lied in their bed, hands trying to sooth her temples. Her eyes were shut and their eyebrows were furrowed. The zombie thought this head pain was just gonna be a normal, short, temporary one but no, it had been going for a while.

She did not know if it was just her or her soulbound was also having one. Or if the pain here is her or or if Martyn was the one having these headaches and passing it into her through their soulbound.

The soulmate thing had a lot of unanswered questions...

Cleo decided to go find out herself.

She took off out of her house (with reluctance), not even bothering to tell their chosen soulmate/roommate when she was going, not that they know if he was in the house at the moment.

The zombie then took a leap of faith into the water and started to swim up the water stream that was connected and lead up to the inside of Martyn's 'bleeding heart bastion'.

Cleo had not seen the interior of the build but was not surprised that it was bland, not much you could fit inside a small base. A crafting bench, a few furnaces, a chest. It was not surprising that the bed was red as well.

But what was surprising was that her soulbound was sitting on that bed with his knees close to his chin, hands on his ears, looking like he was going to tear them off.

No wonder her ears were hurting.

He was staring out at the glass around the house, mainly towards that bridge that connected between two islands.

Martyn was muttering things, Cleo could tell it was something of the lines of 'I can't hear you' and some mocking 'lalala's.

She stared at him for a few beats, just wondering what the hell what happening before getting pulled out of the trance when they felt her forehead getting hit.

Ah. Martyn was knocking on his own.

"Martyn." She finally spoke.

He seemed to not notice her at all until that point, jumping out of his skin and hitting the top of the roof with his head with a jump.

They both mumbled an 'ow' after that, Martyn rubbing his head and Cleo raising her shoulders in just feeling the pain.

All your worries will be gone, surprisingly by me | RotWood | DoubleLifeSMPWhere stories live. Discover now