I, snow falls

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where it all began, a snow forest,

the feeling of the cold, calm, winter air fell down in your fragile form. your pale, almost frozen, body forming white cracks as the sound of snow crunching entered your hearways.

a cold breath escapes your lips as your bare feet press onto the white snow. your mouth hung slightly open as your teeth grittered endlessly.

you hold the ragged cloak dearly to to your body, trying to form heat but failing as soon as it was almost blown away by a harsh wind.

you shield your face with your arm and grip onto the ragged cloth for who knows what. a ragged breath sounding out of your mouth as you attempt to shield yourself from the wind.

your nose glew a pink-ish shade of red, followed by your cheeks and ears. your siren ears twitched in curiosity as you move the snow-filled bushes away from your field of vision.

you quickly crouch down and eavesdrop on a conversation between two hunters in russian.

your pupils turned into slits as you look at the two russian men, holding a poor fawn captive. your grip on your cloak deadly tightened, holding the strong urge to threaten them with your sharp claws.

just as one man was about to slash the deer's antlers, you jumped into the scene and tackled the russian man, soon ripping off his heart.

a unbelievably amount of blood smeared into your arm as you take a bite out of the heart, then spitting the bitten part out and attacking the other one.

you brutally ripped off the two russian men's hearts and threw them in the snow, your gaze shifting to the cowering fawn.

you blink in curiosity and kneel down the fawn, tapping its antlers, then stroking its fur. the fawn closed its eyes slowly as your grip onto the fawn's antlers tightened.

hungriness reflected into your e/c pools, alluring the fawn to get closer. as soon as it was in your radius, you ripped off its horns and listened to its woeful cries.

you look at the antlers in amusement then ripping off a part and stabbing the fawn mercilessly with the ripped off part.

bloodshed, is what you thirsted for. you kicked the unconcious corpse of the fawn away from your radius and walk away from the scene, leaving three dead souls deep into the forest.

you sighed and traced your almost frozen arm in pain, holding the fawn's antlers, you carefully cracked the ice by batting the horns into your skin carefully.

the ice has finally fell off. you stood up form your aching position and walk back to where you slept.

you came across some snow squirrels and ended up devouring all of them in the forest. you look at your pale s/c hand as it trembled in a rythym.

you clutch the ragged clothing into your body, creating some heat as you pulled on the stitched up hood.

you continue to walk back to your makeshift tent, consisting of wood, hare fur, and leaves.

you enter the tent and collapse down into the bed, your eyes slowly closing as you fall into another deep slumber after slaughtering three innocent souls.


"is it awake? come on! take it to the van and bring it to the underground waterfalls."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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