Part 1

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" Jisung come down to eat lunch!" Jaemin screamed a little. All the nct dream members were waiting for Jisung to come down stairs and eat lunch with them. They had been waiting for 30 minutes but, Jisung didn't seem to hear it so, Haechan went to Jisung's room only to find out a peaceful day had been ruined because of their maknae. 

" Everyone, Jisung is not in his room." Haechan screamed while standing on top of the staircase. He slowly came down and was questioned by the already panicked dream members. " What do you mean he's not there? Did he tell any of you that he will be going out." Mark, the leader said already stressed. " Hyung calm down. Jisung is not a kid anymore. I'm sure he will be fine. He probably went out to get some coffee or went to the sm building." Jeno said trying to calm down the other members. " How are we supposed to calm down, he went out without asking any of us." Chenle stated. " How are you guys so stupid? Have you not checked the group chat with our manager. Our manager said he had some work for some sm town solo project. I've been telling you all to eat lunch since half an hour ago but, no one listened. If all of you had checked the chat or even let me talk we would be eating lunch peacefully right now." Renjun said said while plating himself some rice. The other members quickly opened their phones to check what Renjun said was true or not. They felt so dumb and mentally face palmed themselves. 

" I'm starving already, let's eat." Haechan said while making his way to the kitchen. Soon all the members were eating their lunch. The house was buzzing with noise as though none of the incidents that just unfolded right now never happened. All of them had almost finished their lunch when the front door opened reveling Jisung standing with a bag of bagels and cupcakes. He had a coffee on the other hand and was carrying a bag. All the older members turned their heads almost at the same time.

" I'm home" Jisung said in low but happy voice. " What did the manager tell you?" Jaemin asked. This question had been on ever member's mind. " Oh, just need to do a dance cover of a song." Jisung said not sounding invested in the topic as he was taking off his shoes. "I have to choose the song myself and choreograph it aswell while still keeping the point steps." Jisung said while hanging his coat. "Did you eat lunch already Jisungie?" Jaemin asked the boy. JIsung nodded his head and told them he ate with the manager. " Jisung do you know what happened earlier?" Jeno was about to continue when Chenle interrupted him by saying, "Hyung we don't need to tell Jisungie. Can't we forget about it already." The way Chenle told Jeno to stop made Jisung come to a conclusion that it was something embarrassing. " You should freshen up first Jisungie, you are tired right?" Mark tried to change the subject while his face turned pinkish after remembering what had happened before lunch. All of this made Jisung more curious so he said, "Hyung it's alright. I'm not tired at all. All I did was just talk and voiced out some opinions. Now tell me what happened." "These fools thought you went outside to roam or to meet someone without asking for permission. They hadn't checked the group chat and were fussing over a false trivial matter for about 10 minutes." Renjun blurted out. All of the members were laughing and having fun. The day ended with laughter and everyone going to bed with smiles on their faces.

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