Chapter 12

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While my brother and tommy went to that new club I was at home in sweat pants and an oversized T-shirt watching fast and the furious. And eating a tub of ice cream. Ty then came  knocking my door. “Come in" I say. “ Can j watch a movie here with you Thea and Oliver are out and I don’t know where Moira and Walter is and this house is scary to be alone in.” “ Sure you wont get any of my ice cream tho.” I laughed and so did he. And that’s how my night went.

Me and Oliver were back on the island. I had woke up before my brother and let me tell you I was in pain. We had woke up in a cave I looked around the guy that had shot us was also there but it looked like he was asleep but you can never be to sure. But when me and Oliver hot the change we got up and made a run for it. Yes we were in pain but also we were scared we didn’t know what was happening.

We were running through the woods fell as we tried to ran as quick as we can. Oliver was a little weaker that me. I don’t really know how because we had both lost a lot of blood. We stopped because Olly got light head his wound also looked like it had reopened. We slowly walk as I helped Keep Olly  up but it was kinda hard because I was small and he was a lot taller them me. Then out of no where we were caught in a trap. That was scary as yell. I wanted to cry but I had to be strong so that we could survive.

Or it was fun until I was screaming myself awake but also Ty because we had both fell asleep in my room. “ Hey. Hey your okay. Your okay.” I was now crying in Ty’s arms. When I had calmed down I say “Sorry bad memory.” “ Do you want to talk about it?” I only shake my head. I cant say my own memories out in words it hurts to damn much.

I was half asleep when I got a message from Olly saying “ 1700 Broadway. Paper Motel, Room 52.” Looked like our Russian buddy had gotten our information . I used my vamp speed to get to our bunker and changed along with Olly.

We got to room 52. Oliver had kicked the door open while I shot the first arrow. He had dogged  just in time. Then he began to shot at us. And kept shooting arrows at him until we heard a window broke where he had jumped out. Oliver had taken his laptop that was well fill of bullet holes but he probably has a solution for it.

We went to Queen Consolidated. At the IT apartment there was a girl Felicity Smoke she has a record of hacking bug is also what we need to recover what was on the laptop. “Felicity Smoke?” my brother asked the cute blond that was behind her desk. She had a red pen in her mouth as she focus on what she was doing. She was amazed when she turned around and saw us there. I give the talking to my lovely brother. “ Hi. I’m Oliver Queen and my sister Olivia Queen.”

“ She turns her chair so that she was no facing us. “ Of course. I know who you are. You're Mr Queen.” She was rumbling cute.  “ No Mr. Queen was our father.” I told her politely. “ Right but he's dead. I mean he drowned but you didn’t which mean you could come to the IT department and listen to me babble. Which will end in three, two one.” I giggle in the background and Oliver had a smile on his face. He showed her the laptop that we took from Deadshot but I was laughing at the lie my brother came up with. He can make a story up to save his life. But Felicity could see through it but I was laughing so ,much that I had to walk out of her office.

“Liv you cant do that.” Oliver told me. “ But dear brother you cant tell a lie or more specific a little lie. That was funny.”  Oliver still had stuff to do but I went home to get ready for Walter’s stock auction. And the make up I had to do will take a few hours it is so that I can hid all my scares.

 And the make up I had to do will take a few hours it is so that I can hid all my scares

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A few hours past and now the only scars still visible is the once on my back. I had to go to Thea so that she can help me. I gather my curaced to go to her. I knock on her door. I heard a soft come in from the other side of the door. I open the door. I say softly “ I know you hate me but I kinda need your help.” She looked surprised to see me there. “ Please Liv let me explain.” She says and it looked like she was said. “ Olivia. Don’t call me Liv.” I say to her. “ Sorry Olivia. I was mad when I said that your still my sister. I I don’t know how to make this okay between us. I’m so so sorry. Please forgive me.” She was crying in the end and I was also starting to cry.

“ I’m sorry what did you need my help with?” I look at her still tears in my eyes. I was beginning to talk my voice was cracking as I was saying “ I cant reach my back. I want to hide my scares but I cant reach. Can you maybe help me. “ I ask her. She nodded we were both crying.

I heard her soft voice say “ Olly says the reason your so quit is you went through more than Olly did. What did he mean by that?” I started to cry more. That was not easy to talk about. “ I was a young girl on an island that was meant for torture. I didn’t know what they were doing they were hurting me over and over of days until they let me go. I told Olly what had happened. He tried to explain it to me. I was raped over and over. Then I was just starting to heal they found us again. This time they sold me to people called hydra. I got of the island for two years but after hydra was done they sensed me back and things never got better.” I was crying as I was telling her.

She says “ Sorry. I’m done with you back." I look at my sister that still had tears in them and ask “ Why don’t you see me as a sister? I know I’m adopted.” “ You are a wonderful sister. I was mad you guys come back. Olly starts to give orders and you shit us out I didn’t know what to do and that made me mad. “ “ You know were hard on you because we know what it is to throw you life away. Or more like Olly but yeah. We are trying remember we were on and island. We didn’t have company other than the people that hurt us. There is a lot of thing you don’t know or understand. And we most likely wont have the curacy to talk about it. Now come on mom must be waiting.”

Me and Thea made put way to Walter and mom. Where Thea talked yo mom I talked to Ty. “ My sister apologized for being mean. And I told her something about what had happened on the island.” “ That is good. So what happened to that girl that had shown up.” “ That was Cassandra she used to be my best friend until she just one day disappeared and right now I don’t know what is happening to our friendship yet again. What do I do Ty? Because I don’t know how to trust her again.”

“ That is up to  Olivia it’s your feelings no one can say how your suppose to react to them.” “ You can call me Liv. You have earned my friendship Ty.” He smiles at me and then he walks off. Walter’s secretary had show up and told us that the auction is going to open in five minutes. I just wonder where our wonderful brother can be. I have a feeling that something bad can happen tonight.

I saw that there was detective everywhere. I guess my brother some how got the police involved to keep everyone save. But if death shot trysts anything he will have the arrow and nightstar on his hands.

I was standing next to Walter while I was looking around until I spotted Oliver. I called “Olly.” Walter also turned to him when I got his attention and say “ So pleased you were able to attend” I didn’t focus on there conversation because I saw Cassandra. I walked over to her after I had excused myself. “ You  look beautiful.” I told her. “ Thank you so do you.” Then a dark, long haired man walk up to us and say “ Who might you two beautiful Ladys be?” I look at him and say “ Well mister we were taught not to talk to strangers so you will have to excuse us.”  And we walked away leaving the man in shock.

That was when I saw Olly talking to mom. He looked serious. I used my hearing to hear “ I need you to get them out of here right now.” I hear him tell Diggle. I was confused at first but then I saw the red laser pointing to warts Walter. Detective Lance also saw it and had dragged  Walter to the floor. And then we heard shots fired. Oliver told Diggle to get mom and Thea out. I had also told Cassandra to go and that I will call her later on.

Oliver ran up stairs getting his suit while I used my vamp speed to actually change and make my way upstairs before Oliver got there. Looking the place through. Oliver made us a zip line to get to the other side where Deadshot was and the fighting had began. Then lastly I got my last shot to him where my arrow had hit him right in the eye. We had rushed Diggle to the bunker giving him the cure to the poison that was used on the bullet that he was shot with.

That’s when we had heard a groan come from behind us and we saw Diggle coming out. But he was shot and was about to collapse. Oliver had me help get Diggle down the layer.

It took a while for Diggle to wake up. HD was laying on one of our tables and the first thing he did when he woke us was put his hand on his wound that was still bloody. He slowly turned around growling in pain as  he tried to sit up straight. His eyes wondered around the room as it landed on Oliver that he was still in his suits but with his hoods off. Diggle looked shocked and Oliver said “ Hey.”

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