CHAPTER 4: Holy shit

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Elvis team won the match, like

"Last Minute Goal...",

It was unbelievable and exciting, I'm on my way to Elvis locker room, But not before grabbing some delicious fruit from the cafe,

I was so excited, I can hear them laughing right inside,

"What's Making them laugh this much ", I smile opening the door,

My smile stopped right at my cheek, The very moment I saw Monica with a box of pizza, What's she doing here?,

"Guess I came late", I said walking into the room,

"I just thought the boys will be hungry, So I ordered some pizza", Monica said in a teasing tone,

I rolled my eyes,"Do anybody care for some", I said stretching out my hands forward, with a broad smile,

They all ran towards me,

"Hey guys wait",Elvis said stopping his team in their attempts, Monica smirked,

I gave him a questioning look, while his team eyes danced between me and Elvis,

He walked towards me leisurely,  Hands in his pants,...Shirtless,

"she's MY girlfriend,..So I go first",

"Whoaa", His team chorus, while some whistled, My cheek burn red,

I chuckled,"Stop being so dramatic", I said, Tossing one of the packed fruit into his hands,

He opened it slowly, Staring at me, He took out one strawberry, Placing it in between his teeth,

He pulled me close, And gave me a teasing yet passionate kiss,

"He tastes...He tastes like strawberry", We kissed for some while, Then pulled away slowly,

I smiled shyly looking away, and there I saw Monica, She was fuming, I smirk,

I walked towards her, She looked at me with disgust, I smirked,

"I didn't know we'll be having an extra here, But I don't mind giving you mine, since Elvis does not mind sharing He's with me....right Amor(love)?", I said mockingly,

"It's my pleasure", Elvis reply,

"Oh before I forget, I saw Anabel and Sharon at the hallway, I think your attention is needed there than here", I said pointing towards the door,

Then walked toward Elvis, wrapping my hands around his neck, He pulled me closer,

I peppered kisses all over his face, He giggled, I heard the door bang loudly, I smirked,

Wanting to pull away, He drew me back ,

"Hope you're satisfied?", he asked teasely,

"What..." ,I asked acting oblivious,

"Come on I saw what you were playing at....And I even  Played along, Or didn't I act well, At least I should be rewarded for that", he said snuggling close to me,

I blushed

"Stop it..", I said looking around,

"You were so bold a moment ago, What happened now?...", He said teasily, Raising is brows, He smile at me,

I swallow, "Fine I'll treat you to lunch, what about that?", I laughed triumphantly, He giggled,

"Just lunch Amorr...?", I blushed hard,

I called him that endearment name to make Monica jealous and now...,

Before I realized what was happening,

He grab me and kissed me again, I coiled my toes, Raising my hand about to grab his hair,

"Humhum", Zack feign coughed,

Making Elvis grunt, I blushed turning towards the door,

"Meet you at the cafe in twenty minute Amor", Elvis said, licking his lips, I dash off.


"Elvis your father assistant ...what's he's name again..?",

"Mr Ethan", Elvis said seriously, smiles now replaced with seriousness,

"Yes Mr Ethan, Is actually waiting for you at the school basement" Zack said pointing towards the basement,

"What did he have to tell me, That he can't wait or say on phone, We're now in the twenty first century for crying out loud...He doesn't have to drive all the way down to my school, Every fucking time",Elvis said angrily,pacing back and forth in the room,

"Maybe because every time he calls you ,You don't pick your calls..No offense bro", Zack said raising both hands giggling,

"I'm sure I got a enemy as a friend",Elvis said, Making Zack chuckled,

"Elvis Mr Ethan said He's giving you ten minutes, To come meet him in the basement", Fedrick said bashing the door,

"Men...That man looks intimidating, When I saw him, I almost peed in my pants", Elvis and Zack laughed out loud,

"I've to go guys ...Can't keep the scary man waiting, Can I ??", Elvis giggled patting Fedrick shoulder, Then jugged out.

"Hello Sir..",

"...Just go straight to the reason why you're here", Elvis cut in,

"Okay fine...Your father said you should meet him today unfailingly, and here.."Mr Ethan brought out a Vintage box, wrapped with red ribbon at the top, From a Mercedes back seat,

He closed the door, Stretching his hands toward Elvis,

"And this's what you're to wear for the meeting", He said handing the box to Elvis,

"Son be of your good behavior, And don't forget your promise, You have only few days left, And when you get there, No drinking of alcohol, Make sure not to disgrace me okay", Mr Donald said with straight face,

"Those were the exact word your father asked me to pass to you, I'll be on my way sir", He bend his head down slightly, taking two steps backwards,

He halted," And before I forget, The Banquet is in two weeks time, Just a reminder",

Elvis hissed, Mr Ethan turned around entering the car,...He zoomed off.


"Hello ladies",

Fedrick said, seating opposite Beauty, Elvis sat beside me, While Zack sat beside Naomi,

"What took you guys so long", Beauty asked,

"We've waited like forever, I'm fucking hungry", Naomi said pouting,

"Sorry guys, something came up", Zack replied,

"Okay fine....Bills on me", Elves said with a smile,

"Now that's how you end an apology", I said smiling,

Beauty face immediately brighten up,

"Waiter...", She shouted, drawing attention to our table, I giggled,

A very handsome waiter came to take our order, Naomi winked at him flirtatiously,

"I think we'll be having two chicken pizza, Three coca cola, And three chocolate ice cream, Please make it really creamy", she said licking her bottom lips seductively,

The waiter went away with our menu blushing, we all bursted out laughing.

Hello People 😍😘😉

This's just the beginning, I know this might seem kind bored ,But I promise you, It Novel will worth your, minutes and second of your time,

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Thank you, See you in the next chapter💃🏻💃🏻

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