My formal apology.😒😒😒😒

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The next day

I hear banging at the door. It's Jimin. Hasn't he learned his lesson?

"What do you want" I angrily open the door.

"We're all going to eat breakfast together. What's your fucking problem?" He says.

"You're irritating me bitch"

"Ok I don't care, come eat😒" Jimin says in his irritating voice

I slam the door in his face, change out of my pajamas, and find the rest of them. They're all staring at me. So obsessed.

"So what food did you guys cook me?" I ask them

"It's hotel breakfast dumbass" Jin replies

"I'm not eating that shit" I yell

"Well then you're not eating. I don't care if you eat or not" Jin says nonchalantly.

"Wow why are being rude to me? I don't understand"

"Because you're talking to me like I'm your servant.I'm not."

"It's ok I have 5 more anyways you're not that important."


I sit down. I don't feel like being rude this early. It's unlike me.

"Ok, so what's the problem? I thought we solved everything yesterday."

"We got blacklisted from the Grammy's. That's the problem and everyone in Korea saw the video." Yoongi stated in a dramatic tone

What's wrong with him, it's not that deep. I'm just living my most authentic life and thinking about hanging out with my man.

"Wow, I didn't expect that to happen. That's actually so surprising." I replied sarcastically

"This is serious we need to put out an apology video for our fans. Make it sound have real looking tears" Jin orders

"We?" I say " You mean just Jungkook and Jimin right?"

"No, shut up you're doing the video too. We all are, but you're the main point and speaker" Hobi says "Make it believable or you out of the group"

"Ugh okay I'll do it 😒"


They're all on the couch, except for me. I'm on the floor like a fucking dog.

How they? I'm still the cutest one though so it's ok

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How they? I'm still the cutest one though so it's ok.

The camera starts.

"Hey guys we just wanted to— STOP FUCKING BREATHING ON ME!!!!!!!!!" I yell abruptly

"Bro no way you already messed up." Jungkook yells

"It's okay just start again" Namjoon orders me

"Hey we just wanted to come on here and apologize for our actions yesterday. The behavior of all our members was disgusting and I am kind enough to apologize on their behalf"

"CUT😡" Jin interrupted me. "No way your shifting the blame on to us apologize for what you did"

"Fine" I start again

"Hey guys😇, we are coming on here to apologize for yesterday and causing a scene at the Grammy's. Our actions were really distasteful and very inappropriate. We should've never started fighting in the middle of the Grammy's. I would like to personally apologize to both Jungkook and Jimin."

I turn to them

"I'm sorry for what I said I know the truth the prettiest I am hon——"

"STOP I'm cutting that out be fucking nice I don't care what you think stop calling them gay." Hobi interjects

"But they areeeeeeeee" I argue

"Just fucking finish. I'll edit that out just continue."

I continue

"I'm so sorry for what I said to you guys. I hope we can get past this and be the friends we once were. Anything you would to say to me."

"Yes I do want to say something. I appreciate your apology and I forgive you. I'm also sorry for participating in the argument when it wasn't my business." Jimin replied

Yeah that's right. he better stay in his lane bitch.

"I also sorry that I was the reason the argument broke out and that I just made it worse." Jungkook says

"I hope we all can get past this and be blessed with beginnings" Namjoon finishes

"Goodbye for now" Hobi says and the video ends

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