Region 1--Kalos

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welcome one and all to my first Pokemon Opinion! This one is targetting X and Y games. 

Comment: why the heck they haven't made a Pokemon Z....justice for Zygarde.

Story of the Pokemon Game:
The story is kinda bad. It's just us going back and forth from gyms to gyms and battling our rivals. Until we get to the Psychic Gym, the story finally picks up more and more. So this is probably gonna be my second to lowest rating in the Pokemon Game. After the Psychic Gym, it gets better though so it still gets a 5/10, which is a generous rating. 


This was such a pain to rate this, because Team Flare was a pretty bad team, they didnt even know things were happening and they're pretty full of themselves and dumb. Lysandre couldn't wait just like 2 more hours to reveal he was a villain and just fire the weapon without us knowing. Like come on, what was the point of bragging Lysandre😔. The weapon therefore was useless and so was his mission, therefore his mission arc sucks. 

And can we talk about that terrible base? basically a team rocket ripoff and it was easy to figure out where the base was...

very bad work Kalos....

World in General: 


Good world, the routes are pretty good, as is the climate and area in general. Never when i started exploring the area did I expect to see so many different and diverse areas with their own special pokemon. This was one of my first games, so I was enthrawed with the world and its areas. Could have had some more secrets in my opinion but other than that, pretty good.

Box Legendaries: 


Let me tell you right now, the Lore, the legends in general, Spot on! Xerneas was the first every Fairy type legend, and its balance with Yveltal in keeping the world from spinning into chaos or giving too many people too many gifts of life is perfect. The Lore: 10/10 

the Pokemon?




Lacks a lot, only able to find mega stones, and of course find the post game legendaries. (what a struggle with the three birds of Kanto ugh). There could be much more to be desired unfortunately. I have to be honest here, bad postgame, could have had a lot more especially with Malva's reveal of being team flare, like a postgame with her turning complete Lysandre. 

Will say again

Lacks a lot.

Elite Four and Champion:


Each Elite Four has their own special story to tell, like Siebold being literal young Gordon Ramsey and Malve (ugh) being a team flare member on the side. I found these battles enjoyable and challenging when you're on the same level with them. The dialogue in some sparked emotions that i dont generally feel from words characters say (specifically anger to Malva, i hate her guts). I will never forget the elite four and in honesty, the challenge and the power made me love it even more.

Now for Diantha, the story of her being a famous person is pretty cool, but she still clearly had some knowledge of Lysandre, which she could've known that Lysandre was a deranged idiot. Her team varies in difficulty, depending on what pokemon you use, but her Mega is a force to be reckon with if you dont have Shadow Ball. 

Elite Four: 8/10
Champion: 9/10



The legendary music, the elite four, lysandre's themes!
Need i say more?!

X and Y brought out some amazing music notes and I cant even express how much i was loving the music that these battles and encounters brought to the stage.


Overall Opinion:

Good game, lacks in some places, but makes up for those in others. Just make sure you're ready for anything this game throws at you, as this began a new age for Pokemon: Fairy types. This is a good game, but sometimes lacks story. 

Overall ranking?


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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