Try to Change

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She checked her fever this morning. 41 Celsius (also known as 106 Fahrenheit for you Americans). Same as yesterday, she told herself.

She could barely speak, her throat burning with every word she muttered. It hurt even more when she coughed, reawakening that sensitive pain.

She had to keep tissues next to her bed, as her nose constantly dripped with mucus. It's like she could barely breathe sometimes.

Her body ached all over. She felt like a stone sometimes, as she barely wanted to leave her bed. And why would she, anyway? She was sick. She knew it was certain. There was no denying it, unfortunately. All she could do was sleep, and nothing else.

Well, hey, this couldn't be so bad. She told herself, and it was true. She got a well deserved break from her job as 'princess' of Candyland. She also got to listen to her favorite band on repeat, Mother Mother. And what's the best thing about all of this? She wouldn't have to deal with Chester and his stupid antics. His stupid yet charming smile, his slick, red hair hidden by that stupid teal jester hat, and his perfectly colored nails(That she did for him, by the way).

She closed her eyes, ready to sleep for the rest of the day. Her mind began to drift to sleep, her thoughts slowly fading into nothingness...

Suddenly, her phone started ringing. She recognized that tone anywhere. It was her ring camera. Someone was at her door. She didn't bother to look at it. She tried to block the noise, and tried to go back to dreamland.

But that was a fantasy that she wished was true, as the ringing continued, to the point where it started giving Mandy a headache. She gave up at this point, and just picked up the phone. It was seven AM, who the hell was at her door? She turned on her camera and was met with what she despised the most.


A teal jester with red hair pushed his face next to the camera, basically blocking out everything else except for his own stupid, smug smile.

Well, looks like she was gonna have to deal with this, lest she wanted to be annoyed for the rest of the day.

She turned on the microphone, and cleared her throat.


Her voice was hoarse and raspy as if she hadn't used it for days. Which was semi-true, since she really didn't have anyone to talk to.

"Hiiiiiiii Manders."

She rolled her eyes as Chester called her with a nickname he always used for her. She hated it. She hated him, with every vein in her body. Had she not been sick, she would've exited her house and strangled him on the street. Wait a second, how the hell did he even find her house?

He backed up from the camera, and Mandy could finally see the rest of him. He was holding something behind his back, a sign that he was probably going to prank her in some way.


She questioned the jester at her doorstep.

"Well, I just came over to bring you a cupcake! HA! Just kidding, we don't want to be like THAT guy, y'know?"

He laughed at one of his stupid jokes.


Mandy was ready to turn off the camera and try to go back to sleep when Chester's expression became more.. Sincere?

"I actually came to bring you some food. Since, ya know, you can't leave your house and all. I don't know what you like, so I just picked random stuff that was cheap."

Chester revealed the bag of groceries that he was holding behind his back. It was filled with things that would be quick to cook, like mini pizzas and microwavable spaghetti. Or at least, what a decent human being would get for their sick friend.


Of course, Mandy was skeptical of this. Chester doing a good thing? Unheard of. He never did good things for people, especially her. It had to be some sort of prank.

"Because you're sick! Duh! Oh! I also got you some medicine, y'know, just in case you ran out."

Mandy was sure she wasn't running out of medicine. Sure, maybe cough drops, but she was good on Tylenol and Advil. Still, it was a kind gesture, if it wasn't a prank, that is.

"Well, uh, that's everything! Sorry I came so early, I just wanted to deliver these to you as early as possible so I can spend the rest of my day stress free. Bye Mandy, see you whenever you aren't sick!"

Chester turned around, ready to leave her doorstep. And then a thought crossed her mind. What if he actually did this out of the kindness of his heart? It would be rude if she didn't thank him for his deeds.

"Thank you."

She quietly muttered into the microphone, unsure if Chester would hear it. But it was obvious he did when he turned around, his smug grin turned into a warm smile.

"..No problem, Mandy."

He walked away from her doorstep, leaving the bag of supplies on her porch.

As soon as Mandy was sure he was gone, she exited her room and opened her front door. Her eyes struggled to adapt in the sunlight she had barely seen in days. She grabbed the bag of groceries and quickly walked back inside and to her kitchen as she set the bag down on the cold, tiled floor.

Alright, this is either an elaborate prank or he actually did buy me groceries. I hope it's the latter, because I swear to god if he pranks me while I'm sick I'm going to strangle him at work.

She slowly opened the grocery bag, and flinched backward, closing her eyes, expecting a pie in the face or pepper spray. But nothing happened. She slowly opened her eyes to look in the bag.

It was exactly what Chester had promised. Food. Actual food. She was actually flabbergasted. He didn't prank her.

She smiled, this kind act making her day a little bit better. She used to despise Chester. His defining features were what annoyed her the most, and the constant pranks were unbearable. But now, maybe, just maybe, Chester wasn't so bad after all.

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