Chapter One: Introduction

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Authors note: A little PSA i guess this chapter is supposed to be remembrance from the past so it doesn't really have a set POV.. sorry for confusion


"When I had a younger heart,

You told me not to fear the dark" -Lonely Moonlight

Brendon was the love of his life. Every moment the two spend together brought a kind of enamored warmth, blissful affection wrapping them in boundless passion. All the two needed was each other, and that brought endless content.

You could have asked anyone, Brendon and Ryan were helplessly in love. Although they kept their relationship quiet to the public, it seemed like you couldn't have a single conversation about Panic! At the Disco with fans and not having the term 'Ryden' come up. But regardless of how others perceived it-whether outsiders labelled it as mere friendship or a conspiracy "ship" while those closer, like Spencer and Jon, recognized the deeper truth-one undeniable fact remained: Ryan Ross and Brendon Urie were unequivocally soulmates. Or at least that's what Ryan liked to call it.

Ryan was just complete with Brendon there with him. In his life Brendon was the elusive note that harmonized the symphony that Ryan swore he didn't need finished. The missing piece that filled the void of his being. Every moment the two spent together was like a song sung by smitten hearts. A song that never seemed to come to a halt, always coming back to the same chorus of love.

He could never look back in anger at the moments they spent at each other's sides, vivid in his memory, never to be forgotten. Whether it was the exhilarating moments swimming in serene lakes under the scorching summer sun, their laughter echoing amidst the ripples, or the clandestine stolen kisses exchanged beneath the veil of night on the midnight streets of Vegas, each moment was a indescribable trove of shared intimacy. Even the nights spent intertwined in each other's arms within the confines of a cramped tour bunk, the rhythmic hum of the road beneath them, they were irrevocably in love. Or further back into their past, the countless hours spent in Ryan's room, long after band practice had ended. The soft glow of a flickering joint casting ethereal shadows across their features, as they immersed themselves in endless conversation. Those nights, fueled by an intoxicating high, seemed to suspend time itself, allowing words to flow freely from their lips without inhibition. Each gentle touch exchanged between them carried an electric charge, igniting sparks of wonder and exhilaration that danced in the air around them.

In the depths of life's trials, their bond only strengthened. Ryan's tears when his father passed, cascading like raindrops, found solace in the welcoming embrace of Brendon's arms, each sob a testament to the depth of their connection. Amidst the darkness, they found light in each other's company, their fingertips tracing the map of faded scars that adorned their skin, each marking battles fought and conquered together. Through it all, their love remained unwavering, an unbreakable thread weaving through their shared existence.

Skipping past the cherished moments shared together, Ryan remained perpetually enchanted by Brendon's captivating beauty, unable to resist its allure. Ryan dated a million girls in the past it seemed, and while the pretty girls with blonde hair, blue eyes and Sunkissed skin that he always seemed to steer towards, there was something so captivating about Brendon, he was a polar opposite of what Ryan always said was his type, but had resplendent looks that Ryan needed like oxygen. His raven hair, a midnight cascade that Ryan loved, contrasting his delicate pale skin that always seemed to be made of porcelain. Along with his soft brown eyes, always holding warmth and comfort that mesmerized Ryan, his eyes  showing so much emotion and love. Brendon's lips, perpetually adorned with the perfect hue of pink, remained consistently soft and tender against Ryan's skin.

They experienced their youth together acting as if the good times would never end, like as long as they were next to each other, everything would always be okay. Ryan found himself to be happier and content more than ever before. Brendon taught him so many things about himself, besides the newfound knowledge of his attraction to boys. And Ryan swore he was going to marry that boy when it became legalized, they were soulmates after all.

Ryan needed Brendon and Brendon needed Ryan, but once they found each other, they swore to never change a thing considering how well they completed each other, finding it impossible to ever fall out of love. Their symbiotic bond, a shared need that transcended mere desire, creating a unity that mirrored the celestial dance of the sun and the moon, each fulfilling the other's essence in a balance structured by true love.

So after the Fever days, when Pretty. Odd. became their next work, the duo penned songs that echoed their love story, with Ryan assuming the persona of the moon, casting his luminous glow upon the canvas of their melodies, while Brendon radiated as the sun, infusing their compositions with warmth and vitality (sorry but Ryan as moon and Brendon as sun works better in this context). And although these are the roles they took up to describe the way their souls complimented each other in perfect harmony and need, the two always found themselves comparing each other to the sun. Each believing that the other brought light and warmth into their previous darkness.

The sun and the moon, never to be without each other, always completed by the other.

Btw i saw someone in a you tube comment from like 7 years ago be like "What if Ryan and Brendon both viewed each other as the sun and themselves as the moon because the other basically brought light into the other's life and made them happier" so i also included that because i thought it was a really cool concept... sorry for any confusion on that part but in this story I'm going to use Ryan as the Moon and Brendon as the Sun.

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