2. Victim

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My internet friend Bella and I were just casually on Skype like normal.

We were just comparing our lifestyles to one another, telling about how I live in a small town in Missouri, compared to where she lives in the heart of LA.

I was curious about her life. What it was like to wake up every morning to the sight of tourists and traffic out your window, compared to waking up and looking into a field of corn.

I would say it's pretty different.

We were just doing our normal conversation when I started getting spammed with texts, and dm's on Instagram and Twitter.

Hey beautiful.

You could say I was scared. Out of my mind. If some unknown number texted me, they would always say their name first.

This was different.

It was the same message on every media. The same eerie usernames.


I started spazzing out.

I called the number.


I texted the number back.

To: Unknown
Who is this?

I waited, every second sending more and more shivers up my spine.

Did I put myself out there too much?

Dozens of thoughts rushed through my head. The person took what felt like eternities to respond.

I thought I was scared when I got the first text, but boy this second one was about to send me running out of the United States.

From: Unknown
I'm your new daddy. Pack you bags babe, you're going to need all you got.

Wow. This didn't sound very promising.

I swallowed a lump in my throat.

To: Unknown
Where are we going?

I was thinking of being funny, but this wasn't really the time to try to be happy.

My heart started beating. I started to sweat and cry.

This wasn't good.

From: Unknown
You're coming to a place I have designed just for you, Brinley. You're going to a new place.

I screamed. This wasn't happening. No. It wasn't.

I didn't respond. Instead I sat there speechless and nearly emotionless.

Then my phone dinged. I didn't want to look. I didn't want to be in this anymore. I tried to calm myself down, saying it was just a dream.

I knew it wasn't.

I faced the sinful phone to read the text.

From: Unknown
Brinley why don't you have anything packed? I would suggest packing now baby. You won't be ever seeing here again.


Oh man. Who do you think is the anonymous and what's going to happen?


- Jayme 🌚

Anonymous (n.m.)Where stories live. Discover now