72ND Shadow | Another Encounter

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After a long while of fight off the clones of demon. Both Blue, Jin and Kenta are making their to the target to find the demon. However. The three of them stoped for a break after the long fight they have been through. Blue was not surprised that he had to fight Kokushibo again. After all he did fight a demon who also knows moon breathing while as the same time using mist breathing. For some reason Tokioka feels a Familiar sent. But there was another sent that was odd. This smell had a slight hint of evil but there was a smell of good. But it was also calm and sweet. One thing for sure is that it was a odd smell.

"That fight was brutal for me. I literally had to fight a uppermoon from the past!" Kenta yell while walking being exhausted from his fight against the fake Kaigaku.

"It very hard to dodge his black lightling. Every time I dodge it I always felt like it touch me. I guess that tells your how powerful these upper moons are." He said not denying what he saw.

"It's ture that they were fakes of the original upper moons you still need to be careful on how you view things. Don't get to overconfident because they had the same looks and fighting style. We don't know if Muzan has the ability to remake or bring back the rest of the uppers. But for all we know he is still weak and is healing."

"Indeed. The demon in this time can become more powerful. That is if muzan is interested in quirks."

After hearing that sentence from Jin it catches blues attention.

"What do you mean by if Muzan is interested in quirks." Blue asked.

"With times changing and us humans gaining meta abilities it comes down to the point that we are super humans. The more we train our body's stability we get. Our body starts to evolve along with the quirks. However for demon and the demon arts they are more powerful your average quirk. Demons are beyond the human understanding. If a demon were to eat someone with quirks. They will become even more powerful as their body's gain the abilities."

Kenta: Sothe more they eat humans and quirks...

Blue: The more powerful they become...

Hearing this information alone was kinda shocking. Both Kenta and Blue was now stuck in throught just from hearing this. They wondered how does Jin know this wonder how is this happening.

"How do you know of this Jin? Tokioka asked

"I don't know. But it is a possibility that is becoming interested in quirks thinking they can help him heal and regain his abilities and reform back to his prime state. Not only that he must have taken an interest in most of the villains. And with you knowing that your grandfather is alive he must have ordered him to try and take others under his wing for more power. And we all know that every villain wants more power."

Kenta grits his teeth in anger. Knowing more facts the three of them know that this was a huge problem. And it was a bad. It won't be a problem just for the slayers but it will also be a problem for the heroes who are trying to do their jobs. Blue was more annoyed because he would also have to help the hero's. Although he promised to himself to turn himself in he has second throughts.

Kenta: We know that the demons are on issue but working with the hero's is another.

Blue's intrusive thought's was kicking in. It was not just that but also his vigilante persona. He stops in his tracks with his head down. His mind was going blank until he felt someone touch his shoulders. Waking up back to reality he looks up seeing Kenta.

"Anything wrong Tokioka? You look wore out."

Blue was slient. Kenta was putting the pieces together trying to find out what is wrong. With a few analysis and looking back from all of the talking along with him being a vigilante.

"Look... I don't mean to intrude on  what's wrong. But from what I see and know that you hate hero's and have a distain for UA. But look around. Everyone is not here yet but you have us. We may not know each yet but to me I feel like we bonded. All of us are demon slayers. We all have each other's back and we fight to protect humanity the same way. We have the same ambitions and goals. So whatever your think. You are not alone."

Blues face changes from sad to a reassured look hearing those. He then looks at Jin who holds his Amigasa and nods his head agreeing with Kenta.

"Thanks. But don't forget that we still have a slight unfinished business." Jin chuckles at this still knowing about they're fight hours ago.

"Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about our fight."

Kenta: Alright. Let's get back to the mission. The demon should be closer as we know it. Let's get a move one before we have to face more puppets.

The trio starts to run but something hits Blue as his eyes widen. The smell from earlier was getting stronger by the minute but one smell he recognized is here. It had the same smell back at the forest near hosu city. Tokioka sprints pass Jin and and Kenta heading to were the demons are.

"Tokioka! Wait up!" Kenta and Jin run after Blue to catch up to him. The smell of the demon was getting stronger and stronger. Reaching too the sent Blue found the demon who made the puppets against them. Tokioka gets up close with range drawing his sword but gets stoped to another demon woman.

"YOU!" Tokioka jumps back away from the demon swordsman. He now recognize this demon like it was yesterday, meeting in the forest near Hosu city.

"It seems that we meet again, boy."

Jin and Kenta caught up seeing the confrontation up fold. Running to his side making sure that every is ok.

"Blue! Are you alright? We saw you running."

"Yea. I'm fine. What's matters is that we found the demon who was making the puppets."

Jin and Kenta looked at her. But another thing was that there was another demon here.

"Do you know this demon?"

"Unfortunately I do. Nearly slayed her back in hosu city. She also knows how to use Moon Breathing and Mist Breathing."

Jin: So She's just like UpperMoon 1 and you.

Kenta: But the question is. Who's the other demon?

The demon sword woman steps between Mizu and the three slayers.

"I see that you have gotten stronger Tokioka. You almost different from the last time I saw you. You even mange to unlock your demon form. Impressed you even managed to control it along with unlocking the slayer mark."

"Save your breath woman. I don't need you thanks. What I need is to complete this mission."

"I'm sorry but I can't let that happen. However I also have a mission to protect this girl from any of you. With that mission I will have to stop you. But with seeing two new slayers and you in your demon form, I would love to see what I have been missing."

"Oh, we will be giving you something.

" but don't expect you either be slayed or devoured."

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