Chapter 3: Embittered Recourse

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Chapter 3: Embittered Recourse

 Apartment 240, The Kanter Estate, Unknown Location, Baltiney, New York...

      The heavy brown door to the apartment of Kelly Taylor Ross opened and she slowly made her way inside. Her steps were still as gingerly delicate as before due to the onset of pain and heaviness that had come when she woke in the darkened alley alone and discarded. It had not been the first time something of the sort had occurred for her and she knew all too well that it wouldn't be the last as she stepped inside the all too familiar surroundings that had been her place of residence since she managed to score enough money to ensure it had been made hers.

The ache and the heaviness remained as she moved to close and lock up her front door as the images of the harsh eyes and disgusted faces of those men who held her down and violently had their way with her in the darkness of the alley came back only making her more sick as the bile crept into the back of her throat. She had hated them, every perverted monster that had ever crossed her path, she had hated especially the bastard that started all of this and then some, but most of all, she had hated how she'd been a slave to the unwanted need that filled her belly and the heated ache that made her legs tremble.

It was the ache that sent her out night after night into the cold cruel world and had her at the mercy of any hot-blooded male with a semblance of a decent cock, despite her aversion to it and them. The onset of it had always been unbearable, first came the heat, a heat so stifling that she had always felt she'd black out if she hadn't managed to get ahead of it. Then came the throbbing of her depths as if they hungered of their own accord, she'd be slick within minutes and desperate to fill the empty void at any cost by the time the full-on force of her lust filled her eager body making her unable to function aside from finding and securing the first willing cock to slide inside her and soothe the unyielding ache that only continued to grow the longer she had remained without it.

Desperate and needy, she'd be at the mercy of the perverts and then some unable to get her mind off anything aside from sex and more sex as her breaths quickened and her heart raced, the images of him, that bastard that started it all bombarding her at every turn as she roamed the streets late at night in search of anyone willing to accommodate her. More often than not she'd been disappointed, none of the so-called men had even measured up or were able to sate her lust for very long, she had taken to having multiple encounters in a single night as a result of this and risked a lot more than an unwanted pregnancy just to have a thick bare cock fill the heated void as it pulsed and throbbed with need when the urge hit full force.

Slowly and carefully, the inhabitant known as Kelly made her way toward her bathroom, where she had managed with a good deal of effort on her part to run herself a hot bath and waited until just enough water had been in the tub before one by one she began to discard her tattered and worn attire, letting it slip down to the bathroom floor. She winced at the sensation of soreness between her legs and the bruising along her body from the previous night's events and slowly eased her way into the crisp clean tub.

Her lovely blonde locks cascaded down her bare shoulders as she sat in the tub of warm water, basking in the relaxation of her sore muscles and heavily battered sex as she attempted to get some kind of a hold on herself as she soaked in silence. She knew all too well that she had to get herself tested for pregnancy or otherwise and to find some means of getting a bit of rest after all the excitement from the day before. She tried to put them out of her mind, all of the various cocks of the strange men that had invaded her inner depths violent and cruel in their intent as they used her and bruised her before disappearing into the night and leaving her for dead.

Kelly had known their type all too well, the weak bastards that could never get a girl like her on their best day and possibly any girl to spread their legs for either one of them so they had taken it out on her, the last and only lay they would ever get before they are locked up behind bars and relegated to bending over for a man that had been every aspect their better, no doubt after some twisted crime they had committed against some unsuspecting young woman simply going about her way and trying to make something of herself in the world.

She had seen it time and time again, perverted pigs always seemed to get what they deserved and they would be no different. Kelly closed her eyes willing herself to concentrate on something other than the swirling thoughts of past sexual encounters lest she trigger the unwanted and lingering urge to plague her again so soon before its usual reoccurrence.

More often than not she had believed herself to have been free of it, only for it to return with full-on hunger ravaging her body in worse ways than before driving her into her base nature like a cat in heat desperate and needy for any cock that she could get her hands on and get stuffed inside her. Most had been disappointing, old lovers and boyfriends that couldn't keep up with her appetite and it only caused her to rage and gorge more and more when her needs had not been met. Of course, it had been quite annoying when they had attempted to try and control her, reign her in with their twisted brand of discipline as if she cared for them or their so-called rules, she had only wanted their cocks and that was about all they had been good for during those twisted days or any other day.

No matter where, when, or the time of day, they had all been so eager, and all so disappointing when the moment passed and her hunger was barely sated, she had dismissed them and their weakness and they cowered and fled like so many before them.

She cared not for them one way or the other.

Continuing her soak, Kelly Ross had given her mind over to much more pleasant things relishing the brief moments when the urge had not dominated her mind and forced her to seek out yet another disappointing cock to whet its ever-growing appetite. 

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