Prompt 6 (Romance) - 1/26/24

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I walked through the front doors of the school, about to head to Biology when Evan caught my eye. He waved to me, gesturing for me to follow him. Once I got over to him, he asked me a question.

"Abby, can... can I talk to you after school?" Evan's voice wavered a bit as he wrung his hands.

"Of course, you can tell me anything." Evan's cheeks reddened ever so slightly and he ran a hand through his hair.

"Okay, see you later!"

"Alright, see you." I chuckled and resumed my path to Biology.

I continued through the school day distracted, my mind only focused on what Evan had to say that had to wait until we were alone after school. Unfortunately, I didn't have any classes with him, so I didn't have an opportunity to question him further.

It was soon time for this mysterious conversation that had plagued my thoughts all day. As I was heading down the front steps, I saw Evan waiting for me, nervously tugging at his shirt. I caught his gaze questioningly, but I couldn't figure out what he wanted to talk to me about. I realized Evan didn't have his stuff, so I set down my backpack and trumpet in the space under the stairs that no one else seemed to be able to find.

As I approached Evan, he held out his arm. I took it, mind still racing, and a path seemed to clear for us out the front doors and down the sidewalk. We began our trek to wherever Evan wanted to bring me.

We soon arrived at a small park with a blocked beach volleyball area. Evan stopped just inside the gate, and I quickly followed.

"Abby..." Evan's voice broke off as he resumed fidgeting with his hands, gaze having dropped to the ground.

"Yes, Evan?" I tried to instill confidence, if not comfort into my voice, but I was sure it sounded as nervous as I felt.

"Abby, I...," Evan restarted with more confidence, if only just a little."I like you, Abigail. I have since freshman year; since we first met." Evan cringed back ever so slightly as if preparing to get hurt. I took pride in the fact that I could read his body language in such a way. It was then I realized what he was telling me. I felt my face heat up ever so slightly as my heart pounded in my chest and my eyes widened. "I-I'm sorry, I never should have told you. I can't believe I did that, I'm so sorry." I realized Evan must have taken my silence as rejection, and he started backing away.

"No, wait!" I didn't realize I'd reached out to him until my fingers brushed his arm. "I... I like you too."

Evan's face lit up in a way that represented how I felt, fireworks going off in my chest. His eyes shined with unspilled tears as I took a few steps toward him and closed the distance he'd created. Evan took my hands in a gentle hold as if pleading for me to stay but not wishing to force anything.

His face gravitated toward mine while his gaze continuously flickered down to my lips before returning to mine. I realized he had stopped moving, so I closed the gap between us.

My lips pressed against his as fireworks exploded once more in my chest. His eyes fluttered shut, and I followed suit. I tried to express my feelings through the kiss, but I feared that what I was thinking could only be expressed through words.

We broke apart and Evan smiled warmly, causing my already pounding heart to race even faster.

"Why didn't we do this sooner?"

A/N Apologies for the long break; I've been working on something new and thought I'd post a snippet of it here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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