36~ Shattered pieces Of Her Soul

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Author's POV
[One Week later]

"Adhi what is wrong with you?" Maya whispered seeing her staring out of the window.

But Adhisha was too lost to hear her sister's words.



"Sir is teaching and what you are looking outside?"

"Nothing," She answered and got up before asking for permission.

"May I go out Sir I am not feeling well,"

Students stared at her but she care less and after thinking for a while professor nodded his head.

Maya tried to ask her reason but she completely ignored her and walked out of the classroom, she passed the school premises and came outside to see a car standing there.

She directly walked towards it and opened the backdoor before getting inside only to meet with a man who was working on a laptop.

She didn't even turn to see his face and asked, "Why did you contact me, You did what you wanted now there is nothing I can give you."

He heard her emotionless voice and turned to look at her just to get mesmerized once again, her flawless skin shining under sunlight and he truly felt a need to mark it again.

He ignored her words and straight asked, "Did you take birth control?"

"I did with much happiness, I don't want a rapist's child inside my womb."

His lips curved and he eyed her intentionally, before ordering his bodyguard, "Get out and lock the Car doors."

That bodyguard immediately followed his order and locked the car.

Her eyes widened in horror and she shook her head before screaming at him, "You can't do this....You Fucking liar..."

But her yell went deaf ears to him and he pinned her on the car seat before moving his hand in her skirt, "Who said I am trustworthy it's you who decided to trust and now got betrayed...I feel pity for you."

He kept his palm on her mouth and pulled her panty before unzipping his pant chain and positioning himself.

She screamed thrashing her legs to get out of his hold but nothing worked, her pleas were just giving him unknown satisfaction provoking him to do whatever he wanted.

He pushed himself inside, slowly taking his time and letting her feel his size.

Then slowly moved inside her, not knowing why he was being so careful, Was he becoming soft towards a mere girl?

He felt anger rushing through his veins and he increased his speed, not caring about her, or how he was handling her, of course, it wasn't his concern.

He wanted to let out his stress which was caused by her only so what would have been better than using her?

The first girl he used for the second time.

When he finished She was unconscious and bleeding too, he made her wear her clothes and asked his bodyguard to drive them to her house.

He didn't wake her up, nor did she get consciousness.

He ordered his bodyguard to park the Car in few blocks away from her house and woke her up.

She didn't speak a single word and tried to get out but he harshly pulled her back and smashed his lips on her.

He didn't leave her lips until he felt blood in his mouth and whispered to her, "Pray I won't desire this body again."

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