17 - Plot twist

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Okay people I heard you and here is another update for the week! enjoy <3

The loud shooting sound was still ringing in my ears as Dane sped home, parked the car in the huge garage and entered the house, leaving the door open behind him – for me I suppose, or maybe he was just in a hurry. By the time I got out of the car myself, Charles was already crossing the living room with long strides, and I collided with him. He immediately wrapped me in a bear hug that merely lasted a second, before he held me at arm's length, and looked me over, as if to make sure for himself that I was okay. He went as far as throwing my hair behind my back to get a clear view of me. Once he was reassured, he resumed hugging me without a word. From his eyes, I got he was just as speechless as I was. Not because there was nothing to say; just because of the utter shock of a simple outing becoming something much, much deadlier.

Behind his back I could see the rest of my brothers grouped by the kitchen island. Nicolas was standing right in front of Dane, listening intently to what he was saying. When he caught my eye, he beckoned me forward with a slight movement of his head. Charles took one long second to react when I made a move to go, as if debating whether letting me go was worth it, and the genuine care I felt from him was enough to warm my soul the littlest bit.

"Charles come on." Sounded Nicolas' always composed voice. Behind him Dane was looking though the fridge, and I could only see his broad back.

When we got by the kitchen island, Jesper let his phone down. Elliott got there a minute later, coming from the garage I didn't see him go to. All of us, I guessed. Then and there I realized this was the first time I genuinely saw everyone gathered in the same space at the same time. It takes an assassination attempt to bring them all together, I guessed. Should've tried sooner.

As their eyes all skimmed through me, I wrapped my arms around myself. I suddenly felt both self-conscious and vulnerable. Because as it was now their gazes grazing me, it was a bullet a mere dozen minutes ago. And I felt like all the fear, all the hurt, I was trying to conceal when I first crossed that threshold, was now lying bare upon my skin, for them all to see.

"You don't seem physically hurt but is there anything you'd like to bring to attention before we continue?" asked Nicolas.

I wordlessly shook my head. All the brothers seemed like a chaotic mess when taken in small groups, but now that they were all gathered around the oldest one, it all seemed to make sense. Something about him was made to be listened to, and even the strongest spirits among my other brothers seemed to admit that. And following everything his calmly strong voice said was soothing to my panicking brain.

"Okay, from what I get you were overcome on the highway by a motorcycle, and the shooters were fully masked. Is that correct?"

I nodded.

"Is there any detail that you remember? Anything is helpful to finding them."

My lips trembled slightly. There both seemed to be too many details but none at all at once. The scene was playing like a broken record in my brain, and yet when I tried to focus on it everything shattered to just leave me with a blank mind except for a repeat of the feeling of pure fear that crossed me when I realized it was a loaded weapon pointed at my chest, and someone behind the trigger was very determined about pressing it.

I slightly shook my head again. I felt like the trembling of my lips was slowly expanding to the rest of my body.

Nick's gaze caught that, and probably my blank look, because he stopped asking questions I couldn't answer right now. He exchanged a look with Charles, whose presence I had totally forgotten behind me, and he left my side for a second. Only then did I realize that his steady hand on my back played a huge role in my standing upright.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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