chapter 3

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Sierra POV.

That's when grandma told me to open the door and I did as told. When I open the door me and sarah face went in shock bihh I was like it like dream land bruh it was a mansion a nice one too. Me and sarah walked in.
     That's when I ask did we have a room and my grandma said of course always did so we went up the stairs and we came to the first room it was so beatiful it was all me it was all pink with a queen size bed and pictures up of me. It also had a flat screen TV on the wall with speakers and it had 5 different pairs of colorful beats. My mirror was on my dresser it had my name on it so I knew it was my room I turnt around and gave my mama and grand a hug.
My sister was amaze as I was.
       I went to the closet and it had every pair of shoes u can think of it also had lots of name band clothes it was like I was in a dream bruh bruh. Then I turnt around and ask was this really minds and they said always been then they told me to look on the end and I had a phone it was just a galaxy s4 but its better than nun. I was waiting to see my sister room.
     When I turnt around I was about to say sarah are u ready to see your room but her screaming interrupted me so I ran where she was bihh and her was so pretty. She loved hello kitty and I mean the whole room was hello fucking kitty it had pictures of her with hello kitty beat head phones and when she open the closet she had hella shoes and clothes and a brand new iPad. We was so happy mad the first time we never wanted to leave our room and they also surprise us with the laptops bihh I was happy.

I was so happy to see my babbies happy . I was even crying but this is just a new start tho . so the day went by fast and I told them to come down so they can met our staff and get ready for dinner. When they came down stairs they couldn't stop talking. But than they met the cook kechana the butler Byran and the house cleaning lady maria.
    That when I told my mother we was having put neighbors over for dinner to Celebrate the return of my daughters and she agreed. Our neighbor was mrs.Jones and her 17 year son Jason and her daughter Jaja which was 8 years old.

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