Prologue: Interference

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0120AM-0437AM/20/3/140- timeline

During the hours of 0120 and 0437am a massive wave of .... Unknown interference plagues the Multi-universal space stations of the prison sectors and many of them have escaped their confinement. The governing body has dispatch their forces alongside bounty hunters to capture these escapees and return them.

Reported by a Civilian Journalist.

"Is this really the report that they're giving me? Not anything else important for this meeting that they're suddenly setting up?" Said the short statured grey haired male to the floating drone that was guiding him.

The drone replied with a single sentence "All shall be revealed later" and continued on with its journey.

The male could only sigh...

A few minutes later they both arrived in front of a giant steel door. The drone turns around and says " Step one foot a front and the doors will open. Goodbye now. The male did as the drone instructed and the giant steel door open, revealing a giant circular hall with a spherical hologram at the center . The boy walk towards the hologram and it begin to speak.

Worker 2230, born during 07/08/year-unknown, Species: Human-Dwarf hybrid. Imprisoned for debt, assaulting an officer of the law, theft, car jacking, bank robberies, escaping capture multiple times. Finally captured on 03/04/137 during a failed heist. Punishment for such crimes are amputation of 3 limbs, a meal a day, 31 hours of work per two days and 57 years in the workers force.

After saying that a blue screen appeared in front of Worker 2230.

Name: Verico
Profile Picture:

Strength: 4/Noodle armsPerception: 6/Quick WittedEndurance: 4/Glass Cannon Charisma: 2/ Long LonerIntelligence: 7/Self-Proclaimed Agility: 9/Speed StarLuck:5/Fortune Finder

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Strength: 4/Noodle arms
Perception: 6/Quick Witted
Endurance: 4/Glass Cannon
Charisma: 2/ Long Loner
Intelligence: 7/Self-Proclaimed
Agility: 9/Speed Star
Luck:5/Fortune Finder

Known Skills

"You guys still using that old pic? And what's with all this stuff?" 2230 ask the holographic sphere. The sphere only response with a demanding voice as it told 2230 to be quiet. Then it continues on with its tangent, " From the report you read, you should know that an unknown wave had disrupted our systems. You are requested to find the origins of this interference.

"Requested?... More like being ordered to do it, fine I'll accept but"....
Before he could finish the holo sphere interjected " Your all gear will be given and a ship will be sent to the docks for you, finish this mission and your sentence will be decreased."

Decrease?..... "Tell me the true reason why you people are asking for this?"

"Negative, investigation is all we're asking for" the holo sphere said

"If so... Then anyone else would suffice, right?" Asked 2230

"Yes..... But you are the few who didn't escape and the few with the necessary skills but all others are doing their jobs now." You are the few who are left" answered the holo sphere.

....... "Fine, When should I go?" 2230 asked.

"Preferably...... Now" answered the sphere

Huh?!... And with that the floor of the hall disappears and 2230 starts to fall into the infinite darkness.









Argh.. wtf .... Happened..

2230 wakes up sitting in an unfamiliar dark room the only light source being the screen in front of him. Wearing not his prison outfit but the one he wore during his old heist, his robotic limbs still attached to his body and in front of him was a screen with a radar on it.

It seems that I'm in a ship of sorts....

2230 tried to get up from the seat but his robotic legs felt weaker than before, he forces himself to get up and in a few moments he finally did but his legs felt wooblier than usual and there was an uneasy feeling in his stomach.

Fuuu... Wha-what the hell happened here.

2230 looked around the room to only notice that there were papers on the floor. He got down and grabbed one of it and turned it around to see if there was anything written on it, when he did he saw the words "Don't trust" on it. Curious he took another one "Interference", he took another "her", another one "A", another one "wave", another one "The" another one, "cause". And that's all.

2230 could only make up the sentence" Don't trust A, the interference wave cause her?". Who was this A and is this the same interference that they were talking about. And it caused her? Or whoever wroto this might have left some other important information.

2230 POV

Nonetheless, I need to get out of this place. I look towards the screen and try to figure out where I was but the language and the UI of this thing was so different than the one I'm use too,

Do I still have that translater? I look to my waist and checked my utility belt to see if I have anything in it, I pulled out a pencil, a notepad and a few other stuff that aren't gonna be useful now. Sigh.... So much for being a self proclaimed genius....Hmm

I look around the room again to see if there was anything useful around and I noticed a a picture frame. I walk towards it and look at it. I saw a two girls, a tall black haired ( short haired) gir..... Lady with a weird line on her face and black-blue color for her eyes, besides her was a shorter lady, white hair ( also short), red eyes.... Damn hot to be honest.... Both of them...... But why do they look..... Mad.... ( My mechanical figures started twitching as I felt a chill at my back.)


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Huh.... ( I quickly turned around with a fist ready but there was no one behind me.)

Hm... ( I turn back to the picture and analyzed it more. They don't really look mad...... It's like their..... Observing me especially the red eyed one...... Weird.)

I took the frame and shove it into one of pockets in my jacket. Time to look for an exit.

A few minutes later he finds a door, slightly open. He grabs the handle with his mechanical hand and tries to pull it open, slowly the door opens up showing a dark hallway the only light source being the blinking lights. He looks to the left then to the right before walking out and turning left to check the area first. As he goes through the hallway all he sees are rusted metal and scratch paint on the walls. On the distance he sees light and continues on, reaching the light all he sees are flashing screens of red and white. Suddenly he holds his head and stumbles a bit.

2230 POV

Gah... What the fuck.... I look at the screens again but they were no longer flashing. There were words and numbers on the screen........

WE1C0M3 T0 513RP1NSKI.......

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