13-Back. The. Fuck. Up.

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Hey guys. So I'm not going to be updating this a frequently if you couldn't tell, might just quit all together on this story but I have another good one. Sorry! But you can't read what I have written for a little

The back of my neck aches from being in the same position for two days. After waking up here two days ago strapped to the wall, unable to move I have no clue where I am or who took me. The only thing to occupy me is the constant buzzing noise coming from somewhere.

The first time in two days the door swings open, I am greeted by a swarm of agents dressed in heavy black combat gear.

"Hey guys? Finally shown up to give me some company? Maybe some water so I don't die of dehydration would be great as well thanks."

My voice is raspy as I use it for the first time two days.

One of the agents glare at me.

"Shut up! Just shut up! God I just can't with you Starks!!"

I've nickednamed him grumpy. A second one with a funny looking mask on grabs me. I'm calling him dopey.

Dopey grabs me by my arms practically dragging me down a long corridor I notice his eye twitching very time I start to ramble so I continue doing it.

"You know just cause I'm tony starks duaghter doesn't mean you have to kidnap me just to get to my dad.."

Then he shoots me

Boom death


Lucia Stark Where stories live. Discover now