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    "  My life is nothing special ,in fact there is nothing for me to say ".I thought to myself, what was I thinking that the elf prince, Romanio would love me . I am crazy. I laughed to myself hard, pressing on the brakes hard , hoping to die before I got to the bar .
       I know you are thinking what the fuck is going on and how did I land myself in this depressing state. Let just say it is about time I am depressed.
     It started from the day I was born I think. My dad and mom hated me ,yes my biological mother. I was born without any element. In my place , Vinicera ,we have various magical creatures from escaped hellish demons to the kindest fairies on the planet,at least I thought. The home of the fae or fairies, the excetaria was the same place I was pronounced powerless as an half elf and half a fiary but I didn't have any . Elves don't need to go to go to a kingdom , they will know when you become five as it is the period of development of your elf powers, the spirit of the forest were kind enough to give my parents another female child, Mirabelle , unlike me ,she developed her elves powers at the age of three and had two elements, which was very rare . My parents worshiped her like she was a god and I was pushed aside like rags .
       I was three years older than my sister but in my parents own house , I became a maid . At least they took me to school for the sole purpose of me helping Mirabelle in all her exams . When I was ten , they took me out of school and turned me into a punching bag and all forever available maid .  Now I think about it maybe I was just too  dumb then or too  afraid . They are times I was tested with poison , if I had finished school then I would have knew that my parents were part of the rare dark creatures but I knew nothing. My junior sister soon became what I prayed for, cause my brother Rick was born he made sure my life was a living hell . Anyway when I became 15 , I ran away or I thought I did, they let me run to take advantage of me now. Gosh , now I know my life was destined for forever suffering .
         I started living with a granny , whom loved calling me her daughter, she helped me to protect my secret of me crossing the borders illegally. I owe it all to her yet I had to fall for a fucking prince in the middle of a fucking restaurant.

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