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            I feel so stupid how could I trust someone from the elf kingdom, a prince for that matter . Tears fall from my eyes. This is worthless, all I need is a good drink and I'll forget it all.
          PLEASURE was clearly seen at the front of the club. The club was located in Maximus area, a place where different beings come to be themselves.
         I entered smelling blood and cum . I don't give a shit to anyone tonight, not to any human, not to any elf or any fucking mythical creature out there . I don't give a fuck anymore.
         "Why can't I be happy, is it that hard ,why do I have to suffer in every part of my miserable life , I am tired-"
        "So am I "
        "What!" I looked around the club, saying who said that for about thirty minutes before I decided to sit down.
        "Hi -"
        "aaahhh" I screamed as I fell hard on my butt.
      "Who are you and who gave you permission to enter my mind?" I asked after rejecting his hand on an attempt to lift me up.
      "Hi, my name is Delores and yours is ?"
     "And why will I tell you my name after what you did?"
     "If you wanna get rid of your misery, you will."
      "And how do you intend to do it ?"
      "You never know, maybe a listening ear may be all you need."
       "And what makes you think I want a listening ear"
       "Cause your mind is troubled and ur heart is beating too slow , so please tell me what borders you."
       I started to cry like never before, I have never cried before, not even before my boyfriend, I mean my ex boyfriend , talkless of my own mother, but all of a sudden , I felt the urge to release my twenty five years of suffering on the man here.
         "I broke up with my cheat of a boyfriend after finding out that he has been sleeping with my younger sister."
I didn't know what kind of spell I was under because not only did I tell him about my bad break up,  I ended up telling him  my life story. I just wish I could stop making mistakes like the one I just did and the one I'm about to do .
       I'm quite sure I was getting a little tipsy from the drinking and talking at the same time cause I saw the man carrying and gently putting me inside the car.....


      I kept on banging my head on the enchanted cage , screaming like a mad person. The pain was too much like someone was peeling my skin. It kept on screaming to let it out .
     "I need souls" my demon keeps on screaming  in my head with my need for blood ,I was more dangerous than the devil himself. I feel the pain everywhere .
     At night I was let out of my enchanted cage after convincing Dania that I was fine. Dania is a lovable witch who raised me since my parents death . Many people still believe that I killed my parents and I am not worthy of my position as the king of kings in the vampire domain.
        But deep inside I know the people aren't that wrong cause I see people shivering when I'm around. They are afraid .  Tonight I'll go to a place where everyone is equal, where I cannot only feed but can also talk,  get to know new people.
       As I stood at the entrance of PLEASURE club, I could smell suffering and depression something my demon found appealing and appetizing. I followed the scent in the hope of feeding of her blood and soul ,just for me to find a very beautiful lady.
       I tried reading her thoughts , she literally had no walls mentally and that was weird especially in a place like this. I watched her for some moment before going to her. She is a pretty lady, I suspect she might be from the fae kingdom cause she had blonde hair mixed with that of very little white and her eyes shade were hazel and her body ,every curve in the right place which was not normal for the faries nor elves .
      As I came closer to her ,the gods knew the amount of control to control myself from blowing up and when she put her head on my chest and started crying, for the first time after thousands of years , I felt pity,care and some kind of strange excitement .
     For the first time,I listened and I felt content somewhat but there is something about her I can't put a finger on, her scent,her body and the way she talks kinda of confusing and when she was drunk, I took her to my place for literally no reason.
      "Dania, we got a guest, please when she wakes up take good care of her ,I'm going hunting and I must meet her in this house when I come back" I said and left .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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