5: Secret No More

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Their last shoot had just finished and the team is currently enjoying the view of the lake. They have packed their food and set up a picnic blanket to put everything on.

The others have already settled in on their preferred spots round the picnic blanket, Michelle however, looks at them by the tree she is leaning on as she sat comfortably on the grass.

She could really use a smoke right now but since her surgery she haven't touched a single pack of cigarette. Her craving of the nicotine was triggered by the events that happened earlier today. The college students made her stand for half a day just following their instructions as she posed for the camera. It's nothing compared to the intense training and field operations she had gone through but she is exhausted. At the end of the day she could only protest quietly on her own.

The sun is out bright today, good tbing she brought her sunglasses. Looking at her lively companions is a sighf of sore eye, she is getting old alright. She isn't as energetic as she was back in her twenties but her stamina is still remarkable especially on the bedroom.

She sighed.

How long has it been since the last time she got laid? Her last one was an Aussie babe, the way she screamed her name with her accent made the ××× more magical. It was four months before the Mindanao operation was assigned to her.

I guess being celibate for months won't kill her. The only people she met in Thailand so far is her brother and her students. Jeez, this project of his prevents her from meeting potential dates.

Her mind began circulating on making plans after helping her brother out for this project. According to him, the clubs in Thailand are lit, so she'll make sure to visit when they get back to the city.


She looked up.and saw her young roommate handing her a bottle of water. "You sure you don't wanna join us over there?"

"Nah, I'm good. Don't wanna spoil your fun."

"What's that supposed to mean? It's not like you're much older than us, we can still have fun together."

Michelle chuckled, because in fact, she is older than the rest of 'em. She's thirty-two years old while they're a bunch of twenty-four year olds. Her brother. Abraham, is more fitting to be friends with them than being their professor. The guy just turned twenty-seven this year.

She faced the younger lady and removed her sunglasses as she looked at her in the eye, "Baby girl, I get that my younger brother haven't told you anything about me , I already told you my age and honestly, I'd rather be scouring clubs around Bangkok than stay with a bunch of kids because I am in dire need of a good fuck. If you'll ask me, that's my definition of 'fun'."

And she left, putting her sunglasses back on. Poor Anntonia was left frozen, with what she just heard, she spoke her choice of words like it was a typical thing to say. She did not expect that kind of TMI.

She suddenly felt a chill run up her spine before returning to her friends.

"Hey, so I asked one of the elders about the lake and it is safe enough to swim around. Since we're here, why don't we take a dip?" Fabienne came running to their spot, who disappeared a while ago, and now they know why.

"Like, right now?"

Fabienne scoffed at her best friend for her idiotic question. "Duh. Yes."

"But the lodge is quite far and we didn't bring extra clothes."

"Oh forgive me, your Highness."

The others laughed at her statement. They noticed Anntonia's elegant class and manners, they often joke about her being a royalty of some sort.

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