I just wanna feel your love again.

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Recommend song - I just wanna feel your love again-Montell fish


I missed my dad it was the truth but whatever
I'm staying at maddys but her mom is telling her to just leave me bc I'm on drugs.
It's not my fault.

I checked my phone to see that ashtray texted
Ashtray the bitch
uh hi
Ashtray the bitch
um I heard what happened with your dad.
who exactly told u?
Ashtray the bitch
Maddy she told fezco and fezco told me, he wanted me to check on u
ohhh k
Ashtray the bitch
Uhm I'm sorry.
Ashtrays pov-
I missed yn so fucking much i couldn't take my mind off her, her eyes , her thick thighs oh I wish I was in between them, her long black hair , her waist I just wanna hug it , her chest I wanna lay on them sm, everything about her is so hot and beautiful.
I know yn is going through ALOT I wanna break up with Gia so today ima do it and try get yn.
hey gia
Heyyy bae
I wanna break up.
You heard me
That wasn't so hard at alll.
Yns pov
I was scrolling on insta when maddys mom came in and said yu gotta get out darling.
And she pushes me
great now I have no where to go
Im sorry my mom is being a bitch
I decided to text ash if I could stay at his for a while
Uhm hey ash
Ashtrays pov
I got a ding from my phone so I decided to answer it I saw a text from yn
Uhm hey ash
Fuck I love it when she calls me that. It makes me get butterflies
Um can I stay at your place for a bit?
Um sure I'll ask fez
I go downstairs and ask fez he nods
I text yn she could.
I hear knocking and I go downstairs to get it
I see yn with a baggy sweater and baggy pants with eye bags I let her in and she walks upstairs and I follow her to my room.
Yn sits on my bed and goes on her phone while I play cod.
An Hour Passes and I get tired so I decide to go to bed. I walk over to my bed to see that yn is curled up in a ball she looks so cute ngl
I go to the other end and sleep
Yns pov
I woke up at 3 am and feel a heavy body on me and heard sniffles. I Look on my chest to see ashtray is crying and on my chest.  But the sniffles stopped and I heard soft snores.
I softly hug him and go to sleep.
The next  morning
Ashtray wakes up and sees that he's on your chest and he quickly gets up but slowly so he doesn't wake u up.
Timeskip to evening

Fez said there was a party today at McKays so yn decided to get ready and wears this

This or you pick wtv-Yn , fez and ash were ready and then get in the car -They arrive at the party and walk inYn stays at the couch bc after all and wanted her to go

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This or you pick wtv
Yn , fez and ash were ready and then get in the car
They arrive at the party and walk in
Yn stays at the couch bc after all and wanted her to go.  Elliot and rue come to her and ask if she wants to go drink yn hesitated But agreed
Yn , Elliot and rue Go get drinks and chug them up.  Ashtray watches yn as she party's
The song "the bathroom starts playing" by Montell Fish.
Yn dances as she beats with the song.  God what she does to me . Her ass , her thick thighs I wanna go in between them like now . I Look now to see my hard. God was it the worst time?
A/n heyyy yall okay im starting to work on the second part now but hope y'all liked this one 😫

Always will love you (ashtray)euphoriaWhere stories live. Discover now