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It was the middle of September and only a month in on Jason's senior year of high school. He was even enjoying it a little this year it the first time he had a girlfriend in his high school career, he had met Heather at his summer job. She was new to town and so he showed her around and they became friends then started dating, they had been together for a couple months now. Both Jason and Heather were what you would call meek quiet people. Jason was 5'8 not scrawny but also not muscular, he had short dark hair and for most of his life had stayed pretty unnoticeable to the other kids in school. Heather was 5'5" had brown hair just a little past her shoulders, wore dark rim glasses, very little makeup if any at all and usually baggy clothes. Though she did hide a pretty amazing body under those baggy clothes, which Jason had become very familiar with another reason he was enjoying life a little more.

At lunch they met in the cafeteria for lunch and sat with some friends of Jason's as Heather was still getting to know everyone and didn't really have any real close friends other than Stephanie, who was a good friend of Jason's and had worked with them through the summer. Across the room was Jaxson Stevens making his usual loud remarks to all the girls with him and the other jocks at the popular table. Jaxson was one of the most popular guys in school, he was 6' tall a state champion swimmer so he had a great body and blonde wavy hair that was almost over his piercing blue eyes.
I can't believe you have to have him for your portfolio partner, he's such an asshole. Jason said to Heather.
All the seniors got paired up in English class and were given a subject that they had to put a portfolio together for their quarter grade, and much to Jason's disappointment Heather had gotten paired with Jaxon.
Yeah I was hoping I would get Stef, but hopefully he's less arrogant and more serious in private and we can get it done quickly. Heather said
I really doubt it I think he's the same all the time,Have you decided when you're coming to start?
Jason asked
Today at five, at his house. She said
That didn't make Jason feel any better but he decided not to question why his house thinking it would make him sound jealous.
They finished lunch and headed out of the cafeteria, as they walked by Jaxon's table, he said loudly , hey Marks (heathers last name) don't forget my house five a clock sharp. She just nodded to him and blushed a little.

The rest of the day was uneventful, after school Heather went home and Jason went to work he still had his job but heather had quit when school started because her parents made her. It was almost five when he got a text from Heather "hey can you give me a ride to Jaxons house"
Jason "yeah no problem be there as soon as I can"
Heather "thanks babe"
Jason went and clocked out and went to Heathers house, she was waiting when he got there and hopped in. They chatted about what their different assignments were and that Jason and his partner Mac were working on theirs during study hall since they had it together. When they got to the house, Jason said he would be back at seven to pick her up, then waited while Heather walked to the front door and knocked. He seen the door open and an older pretty woman answered it, Jaxons mom. Knowing she was home gave Jason a big relief, he waved then headed home for dinner with his parents.

Jason pulled back up to Jaxsons house at seven he had texted Heather but hadn't gotten a response so he went to the door and knocked.
The door opened and Mary (Jaxsons mom), said hello Jason how can I help you?
Hi mrs Stevens, I'm her to pickup my girlfriend Heather.
She got kinda a funny look then smiled and said, they are still upstairs in Jax's room I'll let them know. Then headed upstairs, and knocked on a door and said Jax, Jason is here to pick up his girlfriend.
Through the door he heard, ok be down in a few mom.
Mary returned and said they will be right down can I get you something to drink.
No thanks, I'm fine he said.
A few minutes later he heard a door open upstairs then Jaxsons voice said, clean that shit up before you come down.
He came down the stairs, he had changed clothes from when he was at school he was wearing a basketball jersey and shorts, and Jason noticed he looked like he had been sweating.
Hey Jase, Heather will be here in a minute, nice of you to drive her, I'll make sure she is ready tomorrow when you get here. Jaxon told him
Jason was kinda shocked that was the first time he had talked to him like a peer and not someone not as cool as him since Junior high.
So you guys are are working on it tomorrow night to? He asked trying to hide his disappointment of not getting to hang with his girlfriend again.
Yeah we didn't get much done today other than making sure she knew who was the leader of our little group was tonight. Jaxon said with a smirk.
In a couple minutes Heather came downstairs, Jason immediately got a sinking feeling in his gut when he saw her, her hair was tied back and her usual tan face was flushed red and she had little beads of sweat running down her face, and her eyes were red and kinda puffy like she had cried earlier.
Are you ok? Jason asked, mouth open looking at her
She started to nod yes, when Jaxson walked up next to her and said, yeah she's fine like I said she had to learn her place when she's here, then gave her a smirk and a little slap on the butt and said, don't forget to thank mom for the snacks.
Heather said, I'll be back in just a second, to Jason and walked to the kitchen where Jaxon's mom had gone.
Jason stood there speechless trying to understand what was happening, when Jaxson put his hand on his shoulder and said, don't worry bud she's still your girlfriend I'm just going to make sure she behaves better for you and me from now on, she needs a little more dominance than you can give her and more nice than I can so together I think we are perfect for her. You two need to talk about it on the way home and I'll see how you feel at school tomorrow.
Jason was still confused and had way more questions than answers and a huge mixture of emotions, mad, sad, jealous, but the really confusing ones were excitement, and lust, some guy basically just told him that he was going to or he actually figured already had started sharing his girlfriend. He should be furious and just say the hell with both and leave but he didn't feel that way, he in fact felt more curious and inclined to possibly even pursue this.
Heather returned and not knowing what else to do or say just took her hand said bye to Jax and his mom and headed for the car.
They had just pulled into Heathers driveway and neither had spoken the whole way home. It was Jason who spoke first, so before I say anything else I first need to know are we still together because I don't know the details but I have a pretty good idea what happened tonight.
Of course we are still together I love you, she said a tear rolling down her cheek, but there is just something about the way Jaxson treated me after I got there that I just wouldn't stop him I loved the way he dominated me, and I understand if you hate me and don't want to be with me anymore. With that she started crying.
Jason was still unsure about the whole thing but he really liked and maybe as she said loved Heather, so he moved his seat back and with her help got her slid onto his lap so he could hold her, after a few minutes of soothing her he began to talk again,
I've been thinking about it since I picked you up so let me tell you my thoughts then you tell me what you think, to me it sounded like something that you both enjoyed and so I'm sure working together it will happen again, and I know that I'm not or that I'm ever going to be the dominant type and I understand you wanting that, but I also feel like I know you well enough to know you would never date a guy like Jaxson, and to be honest the more I think about it the more the thought of him dominating you excites me, and it sounds like he's willing to share so I think it's something I would also be willing to try if you are interested in it.
Heather had pretty much stopped crying and was just looking at him, her face turned to a big grin and she said, you would really be willing to do that for me?
To be honest I think I will probably enjoy it some as well, he answered.
They sat and kissed them cuddled until her porch light started going on and off then she went inside and Jason headed home.

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