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i hate my classmates.

cuz their assholes.

here's a list of some of the fucked up shit they do (not just to me but other ppl):

-a girl in my class (let's call her Lei) was crying. I asked what was wrong and if she was ok. She stopped crying, looked at me with the straightest face, and said, "shut the fuck up." boy, oh boy, i wonder why her crush keeps rejecting her...

-around 2 years ago, i tried sitting with some girls from my class bc i was forced to. the cafeteria was packed and i was separated from my friends so i sat with them. they spent those 35 minutes berating me and my friends. "no wonder nobody likes you, you're friends with weirdos!" "you should work on that face of yours, it's so ugly, nobody would want you!" i was already insecure as hell about myself, and all i wanted was to defend my friends but couldn't think of good comebacks, so they did this until i started full on sobbing. they denied anything they said to me to the principal, but they didn't get away with it. i got off scot-free for all the times I cussed them out back, she didn't even call my parents.

-in science class, my teacher gave us assigned seats and i sat next to a boy who...didn't particularly like me. he groans in complaint and sits down. next thing i fucking know this mf is asking for me to give his ass answers. obvious no.

-i was working on a project on Google slides for class (the entire class was sharing it) during technology. each of us gets one slide to work on. i was working on my slide when it cuts to some other kids slide. i hear like 8 kids laugh. i try going back to my slide. it wasn't there. they deleted my slide. i feel tears come to my eyes like a fucking crybaby, so i close said eyes, until i hear complaints from all around the room and kids yelling at the kid who deleted my slide. i wasn't paying attention, i was just trying not to cry because of the hours of research and work i put into the slide. apparently the teacher (BLESS HER AMAZING SOUL) saw what happened and had the power UNDO THE WORK to the last 10 minutes, meaning she just erased lots of progress from EVERYONE ELSE, making THEM get mad at the kid. i thanked her for it.

-i am in fact suicidal. i make suicide jokes, but only around friends. i was working on a group project with kids who weren't my friends, and i accidentally let one slip. "[Me], i heard that [Classmate A] and [Classmate B] are hanging out a lot lol.." (hinting at the fact they might be dating or sum) "lmao soon my neck will be the one joining them in the Hanging Club." long pause. i try lying and saying it was a joke (WHICH IT WAS) and some kid decides to open his mouth. "wait no i-" "at least youd be gone by then." i have no other comments.

moral of the story: my classmates don't like me.

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