Jimin/Yuna ~ Bitter, Yet Just As Sweet

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Jimin ruffled his hair, looking around the cafe as he finally finished mopping the floor. 

Today had been a busy day, and as the night shift employee, he had more work than he usually did. Guess it was the downside to being the only employee during this time period. 

He scanned the cafe, and his eyes landed on a young woman with her head balanced precariously on three textbooks, close to falling off. He sighed, and looked up at the clock. Around twenty more minutes till closing time. 

He had missed her during his initial scan down. 

Since he had a little more time than he had planned, he decided to be nice for one day. 

Jimin put the mop back where it belonged, and poured all the water out of the bucket before cleaning his hands. He didn't know what the customer usually ordered, (he didn't recall ever getting an order from a girl with such silky black hair), but he decided a small cup of black coffee would do. She could customize it however she wanted. 

He set to grounding a bit of the coffee beans before setting it in a coffee steeper, then poured in some hot water. Jimin pressed it down with the plunger and let it slowly drip. Usually, he'd only do this for himself and the select number of people who preferred their coffee deep and rich, but he looked over the girl around and chuckled to himself. She definitely needed a pick me up.

Jimin stood there for a minute, tapping his fingers on the counter as he looked over at the sleeping customer, wondering if he ever noticed her. 

He knew all the customers in the cafe that came in during his shift, but she must be someone who came in relatively early during someone else's shift, and left during his shift (or earlier). Maybe he could ask Namjoon later. 

He grabbed the coffee and sighed. Now it was the bad part. He walked over to her table and tapped on it. What if she was unruly and refused to wake up, or leave? But the part of him that believed in good people and humanity ignored that thought. 

"Excuse me-"

Before he could finish, she jolted awake, eyes wide like she had seen ghosts. Maybe she did — dreams can be quite dramatic sometimes. 

He jumped back in shock, and she stared at him for what felt like an eternity before blinking sluggishly. 

She was pretty. Wide mocha eyes stared at him with a pretty flush on her cheeks, her bangs messy, and she had this innocent intelligence to her as she assessed the situation, albeit slowly. 

She cleared the sleep from her eyes and looked down at her watch, before gasping. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, and stood up, profusely bowing. He shook his head, not quite sure what to do in the situation. No one prepared him for apologetic customers. Jimin settled the coffee down on the table, an amused smile making its way on his face as she turned red.  

"No, it's okay. I made you a cup of coffee. It's on the house. We're about to close soon, so I just wanted you to be awake enough to get home safely."

She flushed as she looked at the coffee, and gave him a grateful smile. 

"Thank you so much. I'm sorry for taking up your time."

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