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(the capital city of Sylph, Zeugma)

"Alpha!! Alpha kim!!" The shouts of the maids resonated the otherwise silent palace.
The said male turned around to see his son's maid's calling out for him.

Suddenly getting worried as to why were they calling for him when they should be looking out for his son.


"Alpha kim! We can't find Prince!!" Was the cry.
He jumped up from the canapé he was sitting on. Trotting towards the west wing of the palace.

Bursting inside the suite, he knew that no one was inside, even the prince' scent was faint. He emerged outside, ready to order the palace guards to look for the lost Prince!

'The private garden- why didn't I think about this before' mumbling out profanities he trotted towards the private garden of the prince.

The search for the Prince went on,
Even in the garden the prince was not discovered.

Now, Alpha Kim felt apprehensive.
He was about to shout at the distressed maid's for being so careless


Kim looked around for the dulcet voice he heared. It was the prince' voice!! But- where is he??

"Bambino? Bambino where are you? I can't see you!!" He worriedly called out for his dear son.

"Appa! Up!" Giggles of the prince' dulcet voice filled everyone's ear.

"Up?" He looked up to the tall tree he was standing under.

The mighty Alpha Kim's precious bambino was sitting on a tree branch!

The Prince-
Was sitting on the branch, wearing a beautiful white cottage dress, short baby pink hair that was tucked with a hair pin on one side, doe eyes holding the universe, the rectangular smile- oh that smile which captures everyone's heart in ease.

The Prince was still giggling at his dear father.

"Bambino!! What are you doing up there?? How did you even go up that high!!"

The Prince poutily came down, ready to get scolded from his father.

" Bambino i told you not to..-"


(The capital city of Meraki,Gehenna)

"Loser!! Fucking loser you are!!! Dipshit you're nothing infront of me haha-"

Staring at his brother, the crown prince of meraki looked disgusted,but deep down he knew his dear brother was right. He was indeed a loser.

"Seokjin-na stop degrading your brother, it's nothing but a game"
A female voice was heared.

"Eomma did you see his face?? Bwahahahaha- he looked like a kicked puppy bwahahahaha"

"If you're done laughing may we proceed to the next match?" The Crown Prince poutily asked his big brother.

"No jungkookie no more. You already played it for 3 hour straight-" the mom who was frustrated by her both son's playing ludo and snake ladder everyday for hour's until her younger son wins the game which usually takes longer than 3 hours+

"But mumma-"

"No buts kook it's already late we will play again tomorrow" Jungkook's brother also sided with their mom knowing how whiny and irritated the Prince get's if he doesn't have a hefty amount of sleep.

"Okay" the Prince poutily went back to his suite remembering how busy he will be the next day.


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