Chapter 2: Mothra containment

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Emma pov

The memories of 2014 rush through my head......I then look to a photo of mark me Madison and...Andrew......the tv news reporter then said "thousands gathered in the bay Area last night to honor the victims of the 2014 attacks. Part of a wave of memorials and protests demanding that the secretive monster-hunting coalition known as monarch be held accountable" "the recent spike in mass die-offs in the world's oceans could be caused by efforts to locate and track Godzilla. Who hasn't been seen in over five years" "top brass at the mysterious monarch organization will face another intense grilling as the government continues to push for extermination of the Titans and rumors persist that monarch may be hiding even more creatures discovered since the attacks of 2014 a historic tragedy that changed the world as we know it forever the day the world discovered that monsters are real" after hearing the news I grabbed the ORCA. I headed to the kitchen when I heard the fire alarm and rushed in. as Maddison said "uhhhhh" and I said "Maddie?" "Good morning! Mom!" she said as I said, "oh god!" as Maddison was just speaking gibberish "uhhhhhhhhhhhh" as I said "okay" as I pulled out a towel and started fanning the fire alarm as Maddison said "I made us breakfast. Its uh...eggs toast and what was once. Bacon" she said as I pulled out the toast and asked, "and which do you recommend?" "the toast and eggs" "thank you" I said as she walked over to her laptop and closed it and asked "coffee?" and poured coffee into our cups as I asked "what were you working on?" she responded with "recipes" "for toast?" after I said that she walked up to the table and said "dads been emailing me.." "But he looks good...healthy" she said as she got her plate and put it on the table "have you responded?" "not yet" "Madison I just don't wanna see you get hurt" "I know" "especially with everything that's going on right now" "mom I know" she said as she shook her head and drank some coffee "listen I know things haven't been easy for you but were gonna get through this. Together" "you sure he's gonna be, ok?" "He is in the safest place that he could be right know" "you wannna hear some good news?" I said as I put my hand on the ORCA "I finished it" "really?" "You think its gonna work?" "its gonna work" after we said that the place started shacking and a roar was heard as both me and Madison walked up to the window as she said "it's gonna be ok" after she said that I heard on the radio "doctor Russel we need you in containment" "I'm on my way" I said as we both looked out to see monarch outpost 61

Time skip

"What the hell happened?" "No idea" "she was sleeping like a baby until an hour ago. And then boom her radiation levels went through the roof almost like something triggered it" "thanks Tim" "I can take it from here why you don't get some rest?" "No way sleep or no sleep I'm not missing this" we walked into a room, and we saw an egg and then a man on the PA said, "containment team move into primary position" "sedatives?" "No effect this thing wants to be born" "emergency protocol is in effect ten seconds to biocontainment" "her time has come" I said as the egg hatched and revealed a larva "meet titanus mosura. Or as we like to call her" before he could finish Madison said "Mothra..." "incredible" that's when an AI voice said "activating containment grid" then a grid appeared in front of Mothra as she yelped in surprise but then the grid started failing "warning" "what's happening?" As I said that Mothra attacked the team as Mancini said "somethings really wrong here containment systems are failing! Perimeter alarms are going off! The whole networks going insane!" "What do you mean how is that possible?" "Emma, I think someone else is doing this" after he said that Mothra cried out causing the whole place to shake as I said on the radio "containment team stand down I repeat stand down you are scaring her!" but to no avail Mothra attacked and a man shot her. She looked back down and roared as she then sprayed silk and grabbed another and threw him as Tim opened a termination button "no!!" "Doctor Russel I'm sorry but you know the protocol we have to terminate!" "I'll handle this" I grabbed the ORCA and headed to the door "mom no!" "Madison stay here is gonna work" I said as I entered the containment facility with the ORCA "it's okay..." I said as I walked over to her and placed the ORCA and activated it...I pressed a frequency, but it only angered her! I changed the frequency, but it only angered her more! But then Madison came as I yelled "Maddie goes back!" "Mom! Let's go!" "Mom!" she said as I changed the frequency, but this only angered her more to the point where she raised up and prepared to kill us! I searched frequencies until I found the alpha one and clicked the ORCA as me and Maddie braced.....but then...nothing happened, we opened our eyes and saw that she had become docile....I looked at the orca and let it be as Madison got up and reached out and almost touched Mothra...I looked back and saw Tim smiling but then an explosion! Me and Maddie ducked as people with guns walked in. Tim got up with his hands up, but he was shot in the and Maddie screamed in terror "mom?" Maddie asked as a guy looked at Mothra then the ORCA.  

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