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July 3, 2023

"Mingi!" a loud voice rang out and he was startled out of his bed. Wooyoung and Jongho were standing in front of him, staring at him. Mingi clutched his chest to get hold of his rapid heartbeat.

"Ever heard of knocking? How did you even get in?" he complained as he tried to get out of his thick blanket. Wooyoung smiled and waved a key around. Mingi sighed. How could he forget that he had given them a spare key, for emergencies.

"Why are you here so early? I had such a nice dream," Mingi said, scratching the back of his neck before yawning loudly. Jongho had a bag in his hand and dropped onto Mingi's bed. "We brought you breakfast and wanted to check on you before we leave for uni." Mingi smiled and took the bag.


While Mingi chewed down the food his best friends had brought him, Jongho and Wooyoung sat on the floor and teased each other. Mingi had to smile. He had missed this so much.

And yet there was something on his mind. "Do you think I'll have to repeat the semester?" Mingi asked in Jongho's and Wooyoung's direction. He had no idea what he would do if he had to go to class without them. Wooyoung shrugged his shoulders. "We have no idea, but it's best if you talk to a professor, maybe you can retake the exams."

Mingi nodded, but it wasn't the only thing on his mind that he wanted to finally get off his chest after so long. Wooyoung was about to bite Jongho's arm when Mingi summoned up all his courage.

"Hey guys, I have something to tell you," he said and both Jongho and Wooyoung turned to him. They could tell from the tone of Mingi's voice that it was serious. Mingi cleared his throat. "Do you remember two years ago, before Christmas, when I was so sad about Isbabella and we went to Vernon's club?" Jongho and Wooyoung looked very confused.

At some point, Wooyoung snapped his fingers. "The one night you just ditched us and went home." Mingi nodded. "To be honest, I didn't go home that night." Jongho tilted his head and Wooyoung looked at him questioningly. Mingi lowered his head.

"I met Yunho at the bar that night.
I didn't know him and somehow there was something interesting about him and then I..." The tension in the room grew. "Then I went home with him and well, we had...you know what."

Wooyoung's eyes widened and he jumped up. Jongho also looked more than surprised. "What, and you're only telling us now? I thought the whole time that you were still a virgin!" Wooyoung complained and dropped onto the bed next to Mingi. "And who was Top?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Wooyoung immediately received a slap from Jongho. "Hey!" he yelled with a pained face.

Jongho sat down next to both of them. "And why didn't you tell us earlier?", Jongho asked in a soft voice and Mingi finally looked up. "I don't know.
I never saw Yunho again after that and I didn't want you to think badly of me because I had a one night stand." Jongho's warm hand rested on Mingi's shoulder. "We would never think badly of you, Mingi."
"Exactly," Wooyoung confirmed.

"I'm sure you had your reasons for doing it. Wooyoung and I have done bad things so many times and you've never judged us.", Jongho said and Mingi had to smile slightly. "Thanks guys.", he mumbled and felt a thousand times lighter now that he had finally told them.

"Weren't you surprised that you met Yunho again?", Wooyoung asked after a short period of time. Mingi nodded. "Yeah, totally, but as I found out, it wasn't a coincidence." Now Mingi's friends looked confused again. "Apparently Yunho was looking for me and eventually found me. And that night when we were drinking and this weird man got into our van, the mafia thought he was me and killed him for that reason."

There was silence.
"I don't understand anything anymore," Wooyoung whined and Jongho nodded in agreement. Mingi sighed. "It doesn't really matter, what I wanted to say is that..." he took a deep breath. "Yunho never forgot me and even looked for me and always protected me and now he's told the others I'm dead to protect me and
I don't know what to do because..." Mingi's voice broke off. Wooyoung took his hand. "Well, because I kind of miss him even though he did bad things."

Mingi lowered his head and exhaled to stifle upcoming tears. "I've even been dreaming about him because
I can't get him out of my head."

There was silence again and both Jongho and Wooyoung were surprised. Then Wooyoung suddenly smiled and squeezed Mingi's hand. "You're in love." he giggled. Mingi immediately looked up. "What? No, I'm not," he protested. "But Mingi, it's literally written all over your face," Wooyoung said. Mingi looked helplessly at Jongho.

"What would be bad about it if you liked him?" Jongho asked empathetically, recognizing Mingi's panic in his eyes. "What would be bad about it?" Mingi asked.
"Well, first of all, he's much older than me and he's in the fucking mafia. He kidnapped me, I was almost shot by one of them because of him. I couldn't live a normal life because of him. Our lives have nothing in common and besides, I'm pretty sure he doesn't care that much about me."

Wooyoung let out a sigh. "And yet you can't stop thinking about him. You just said that yourself," Wooyoung said. "And you said that he's always protected you, so you're obviously very important to him," Jongho added. Mingi looked around the room thoughtfully.

"You're right, but..." Wooyoung put a finger on Mingi's lips. "No buts. You like him Mingi and there's nothing wrong with that." Mingi lowered his head. "Okay fine and what should I do now?" Wooyoung scratched his head thoughtfully and looked at Jongho.

"You definitely have to talk to him," Jongho said. "And what should I tell him, please?" Mingi asked, frustrated. "Tell him how you feel and maybe he'll return your feelings and leave the mafia for you?",Wooyoung suggested. Mingi started to laugh. "Never," he mumbled.

"So you don't want to do anything?", Jongho asked. Mingi dropped into his mattress and kicked the air wildly.
"I don't know," he cursed. Wooyoung had to giggle. Jongho grabbed Mingi's arm. "If you don't want to do anything, that's okay Mingi, but if you want to talk to him, we'll help you." Mingi looked up, pouting. "And how?" Jongho grinned. "I've got an idea."


Mingi took a sip of his orange juice and squinted, blinded by the light. Together with Jongho and Wooyoung, he sat in the bar where it all had started.

Vernon placed a cola vodka mix on the table. "And for my cute brother," he grinned and winked at Jongho, who rolled his eyes. Wooyoung turned to Jongho. "And you think they're coming?" Jongho shrugged and took a sip. He had literally begged Yeosang on the phone to bring Yunho here.

Mingi looked around tensely. "Relax, they'll come," Jongho said, although he wasn't so sure. He didn't know Yeosang and had no idea what he was like and whether he would listen to him.

"Guys, you can go. I don't want to put you in danger," Mingi said after a short while. Wooyoung poked him in the side. "We'll stay here with you. No objections." Mingi had to smile slightly. He had no idea what he would do without the two of them.

With sweaty hands, he kept looking around, hoping Yeosang and Yunho would show up. He still had no idea what to say to Yunho, but he would think of something.


A few hours passed and it was just after midnight when Mingi got up. "Let's go, there's no point." Wooyoung suddenly jumped up. "There!" he yelled, pointing to the entrance where two men had just entered.

With his heart pounding, Mingi turned around and his eyes met Yunho's.


I know this part is short but update will come tomorrow :)

Also a little emoji spoiler for the next part:  👨🏻‍❤️‍👨🏼❤️‍🩹🌚

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