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***Hi! I know it's been a while since I made a new story, but I just couldn't bring myself to finish The One Who Got Away... Idk why, I just think I've grown as a writer and I just can't see that story going much of anywhere :/ but I am starting a new series of one shots! (This story is seperate) Each chapter will be inspired by one word or a few! The word can be anything :) and you guys can suggest words in the comments!!! Okay enough about my new story. Let's get to this one***


The first time I saw her, she was sitting on a bench crying her eyes out. She didn't want to be here.

She thought I was shallow, some stiff Prince playing games with her life. 

She thought everything around her was a cage.

I thought that she was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. 

I knew she wasn't mine. I knew she wouldn't have me. She was still stuck on the boy from the treehouse. 

Then, one little strawberry tart changed everything.

I never did properly thank May. I joked about it, yes, but if she had cried like her sister had expected, who knows what might have happened. There should be a parade in her honor, for not crying.

I gave her the pants anyway. I decided to at least try to win her over. In return, I got a knee to the Royal jewels.

I was mad at her for a while, but after the rebel attack, it seemed so  trivial. Even though she wasn't mine, I couldn't lose her. I just couldn't.

When I saw her struggle to pull down that metal shade alongside mother, I felt like she belonged here. In the palace. I can't explain it. In such a short time, she had turned my world upside down.

On her first Report, I had been intently listening to her answers, more so than the other girls. I had chuckled when she talked about fighting with her mother, but when Gavril suggested that she might be the girl who yelled at me, I couldn't help calling out from my chair to get him to tell the whole story. I think that's the first time I talked out of turn on the show. 

 Then she called me 'the epitome of all things good'. I assumed it was all for the cameras. Stubborn America Singer declaring how wonderful a guy she just met is? 

I came to her, after the Report,  wondering what provoked her to make that speech. She let me kiss her that night. I walked on air for days, reliving that moment.

We had our squabbles, our ups and downs. But after that kiss, I was sure. America was the one for me.

I think back to that rebel attack, the one before I was about to choose Kriss Ambers. I don't think I ever could have proposed to her. I would have knelt down before Kriss, saw America standing behind her, and change my mind, proposing to my America instead. 

She was there for me, through everything. Late night meetings and struggling with the death of my parents. She was my rock, and I was hers. We supported each other through it all. 

She has brought me every joy in my life. 

I don't know what I would do without her. I don't know what I could do without her. 

"Please." I whisper by her bedside, gripping her hand, tears welling in my eyes. "Please stay with me. You're a fighter. Fight, my love. Fight." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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