chapter 6

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As Taehyung reached the uni, parking his car

"I was scared Tae, im so scared of them"

His eyes turned blood red as the memories of Jimin crying.

the thought of him being frightened by that Alpha and his useless mate made his blood boil

He got out of his car with the thought of finding the ones who made his mate scared and frightened to the core

Taehyung didn't care if his scent scared the wolf's or how his eyes changed to blood red to show his anger

All that was on his mind was to kill Baekho group, To make sure that they go through the same pain his mate went through.

The wolves that was in the parking lot all looked at the angry true blood as he walked towards the entrance of the uni

It's like everyone knew exactly what made the true blood angry as they ran towards the entrance of the school

everyone could immediately smell the anger and the dominance seeping out of the true blood, as he looked around the surroundings

Looking for that particular group

He was too angry to ask anyone of there whereabouts

POV: Taehyung
"I was scared Tae, im so scared of them"
Thats all i could think about

My mates painful tears, his sobs, his brused body

I am beyond angry, i am more Furious then ever

"Where could they be right now?" I whispered to my self as i looked around the surrounding by the entrance

"Let's start around the ground floor, I'm sure one of there group members are around " i said starting to look around the first floor

Walking towards the lockers, i decided to pack my bag in my locker when i spotted one of Baekho's friends

Taehyung slowly walked towards Baekho friend min-hyun, with his dark red eyes that showed nothing but pure hatred and anger towards them

When Min-hyun turned around after closing his locker his back was harshly pinned against the locker with Taehyung hand around his neck

"Where is he" Taehyung ask in his Alpha voice as he looked at him with his red eye's

"I-i d-dont know what you t-talking about" min-hyun said stuttering as he couldn't look in the angry alphas eye's

Taehyung got even more angry that he was not given the answer he wanted, tightening his hand around min- hyuns neck

People started gathering around the two boys, as min-hyun tried releasing the angry alphas grip

"Last time, where is Baekho" Taehyung said growling at min-hyun

"H-hes b-by the old s-science room, t-that one t-that has been a-a-abandoned" min-hyun said

"He s-said that y-you might n-not find him there" he said as he struggled to talk, cause of the pressure Taehyung has around his neck

"Where is the abandoned class room anyways" Taehyung said

"U-up s-stairs n-n-next to the staircase th-that leads t-to the r-roof" he said as he slowly started to turn a shade a purple as Taehyung grib tightened

Feeling satisfied with his answer he let go of min-hyun neck by giving him a push as his back hit the locker falling down putting his hands on his now bruised neck

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