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2 days later

Birthday sex. It kept playing in my head, over and over again. 

I haven't mentioned it to Madi yet. I want to, but it doesn't feel like the right time yet.

Aiden hasn't spoken to me since and now im overthinking it, what if he thinks i was just another fuck buddy. 

fuck this, i need to tell madi.

"Madi.." I say, "I need to tell you something"

"Yeah, what?" She replies back as she packs her clothes away.

"I had sex."

"WHAT! WHEN? WHO? WHATTTT!!" She screams, "Please tell me its not the weird aiden guy."

"Well.." My face drops.

"Omg, it is him, isnt it?"

"Yes it is." I admit, "He was unbelieveably good"

"You had sex once.. you dont know if it was good or not." She laughs.

"True" I giggle, "But the kiss and everything leading up to it did not feel the same like it did with my ex." I will never mention my exs name.

We both spoke about aiden and nate, she is starting to get immense feelings for him and im starting to get jelous. why does she always have guys falling at her feet, and the one guy im interested in couldn't give a fuck about me.


Madis pov:

Mercy seems depressed - i think the aiden guy is ignoring her or something. 

She doesnt want to come shopping with me.. she is never the one to say no but she said she feels under the weather. So i decided to go with Nate.

"You ready?" I hear his masculine voice.

"Yep, im coming." I say, grabbing the cabin keys and waving bye to Mercy.

We make our way to the shopping centre but notice how busy it is so we go towards the cabin before quickly making a pit stop to a Froyo place. "So, madi.. when are you gonna go back home?"

"Tomorrow.. actually"

"What? can you not stay a bit longer." He begs

"No i cant bec-" I stop my sentence because i notice someone in the corner of my eyes "Is that.." I point to their direction so Nate can understand who im talking about

"Aiden and Mercy, hiding behind the trees.."

"Are the fucking?" I question, "Come, we need to see." I grab his hand and we make our way.

"Ew, what if they are really having sex-" Nate says in disgusts.

"Thats not the point," i roll my eyes, "She lied to me saying she is ill and doesnt wanna come out."

We make our way and realise that Mercy is making out with a boy...

...just not with Aiden.

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