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when i invited him to hangout i did not expect that he'd be crowded with girls trying to get his phone number as he entertained them with his looks while he leaves me standing behind me ignoring me with everyone else.

"please sir, what's your phone number! i love you already!" said one random girl.

"no, i love him! we're going to get married and have 2 hamsters and 2 kids!" butted in another random girl.

the crowd of girls started arguing over gojo so i took the chance to grab his hand and get out of the place.

"i'd appreciate it if you'd tone down your presence, yeah?" i scoffed while gojo just let him get pulled by me.

"maybe if you looked as good as me you'd understand that i just have to show off this beauty" he proudly points to his face.

i rolled my eyes and pulled him into a cafe, once we entered the sweet smell of pastries, coffee, and tea hits you and it's amazing.

we sat down in a booth and i looked over the menu, i decided that i wanted a (favorite pastry) and (favorite drink).

"so you don't have taste in the sweets department..." gojo looked me up and down with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

"if not having taste in the sweets department mean that i'm not a egomaniac white haired sweet tooth, then i'm proud!"

he rolled his eyes and the waiter finally came over and took our orders.

"sir, respectfully, if you order the whole menu that's gonna take over an hour." the waiter swear dropped at gojo.

"okay??? i want one of everything."

"you can't, sir." the waiter persisted as he tapped his notepad waiting for gojo to make up his mind.

after 3 minutes of gojo pouting he decided on a cinnamon roll and the waiter quickly left our table.

"we all know that you have an ulterior motive to joining jujutsu tech." gojo looked me dead in the eye with the most serious face i've seen on him.

trying not to blow my cover i smirk, "oh yeah? and what's my ulterior motive mr. know it all?"

gojo smirked also, "to get close to the one and only gojo satoru, of course."

"ew no."



after hanging out with the giant man child, we arrived back at jujutsu tech, i went to shoko's room as we talked about various subjects.

"hey shoko how do you even understand reverse technique...it's so hard" i lay on her bed, spread out.

shoko sighed, "how come you and gojo can't understand it? it's so simple.."

"don't group me up with him!"

shoko giggled and scooted closer to you, "so first you go like fwoosh and then you go woosh and finally you go oooshh."

"you're literally making up noises."

"and those noises are helpful thank you very much.." shoko put a cigarette to her mouth and playfully slapped my shoulder.

"so, how's that dude on that dating app going?" i giggle, interested in her love story that she always tells me when thing 1 and thing 2 aren't around.


"uh oh here comes mr. blabber mouth" shoko sighed and shook her head, already imagining everybody asking her about her "boyfriend" when they're currently just in the talking stage with some intense flirting.

"gojo, i swear— if you tell anybody about this, i'm getting me and my friends to jump you." shoko glared at him.

"oh so you're gonna get weakling number 1 and weakling number two to get me?" he points to me as weakling #1, which i gasp at and hold my hand over my heart.

"im not weak, thank you very much."

"anyways, you're gonna have to give me something for my silence shoko." he ignored me and grinned at shoko as he walks around shoko's room.

shoko sat in silence for a while and she turned to look at me, "tell gojo to leave, y/n."

"it's not like he'll listen to me shoko but i'll try i guess" i sigh and cross my arms, getting up from the bed to walk towards gojo.

"get out."


"well i tried my best shoko but he just wouldn't budge." i turned around and walked to the bed and mag back down on it, shaking my head disappointedly.

"gojo!! you said you only listen to attractive girls!" shoko glared at gojo for the 82828778th time this week (it's monday)

"if you're referring to that thing over there, i'm not gonna listen to her. i was joking when i said that, the great gojo satoru never listens to anyone." he smirks and takes out his phone to play some games as i glare at him for calling me a thing.

"you're so annoying..." i sigh, tired of him and ready to go to bed. he's like a child stuck inside a 17 year olds body, which is concerning...

"be mad and stay mad." he sassily replied as he got up to leave the room.

once he left i looked over to shoko, "sassy men apocalypse is real"

shoko giggled, "and you just took that disrespect? i would've jumped at him."

i giggle back in response, "hey wanna watch a horror movie? i'll grab the popcorn"

"you had me at horror movie!" she smirked and pulled out some cd's filled to the brim with horror movies for us to watch.

hey y'all!! i'm going to be making an upload schedule! i'm going to be (try) posting every week on fridays!!

but i might MIA 2 weeks from now since i have another major exam coming up but anywho...

i'm making a gojo x reader and y'all this one is going to have a better upload schedule i promise 🙏🙏

well tbh i have 3 gojo x readers in my story thingy but which one should i pick??

pick a random number 1-3!!!

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