part 1(that was satisfying)

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Taekjoo pov

My eyes teared up with unshed tears,a searing pain made its way through my body.I couldn't feel my body anymore.How long had we been doing this.I could feel him thrust in me slowly over and over again.
I let out a loud ragged moan,my throat was sore from being at this for hours on hours.When was this going to stop.He was an animal.Was this the only use he had for me.I was once Korea's top agent ,best in the field and now I'd been downgraded to a sex toy.Who cares about my employers they wanted me dead anyway what was the point in trying to escape I was safer here than back in my homeland.I never thought I'd say that but here I am stuck with zhenya the man that lied to me ,led me on.
The man I trusted turned out to be a liar.He was never my partner from the begining and instead of leaving, killing me or telling me he decided to play along.
And my actual partner for the assignment was sat in the hospital Everybody probably thought that I was dead.What would my mother be going through right now.Did they tell her u wasn't actually an office worker but a spy that had killed hundreds of people.That was another person she'd lost in the line of military.An unbearable pain pierced my body.What he was still at it.I was tired .So tired .I can't do this .He leaves than comes back .Can't he be done with me I'd prefer death than this.My eyelids slowly drooped closed and my body went limp.But I could still feel him moving in and out of me.I was passed the point of pain and pleasure.I was just an empty shell now, devoid of any human empathy or emotions.
I woke up to cold air blowing in my face.I groaned lightly I still hadn't gotten used to the cold of this place even though I'd been here for a couple of months now .I lifted my head slightly looked around the large clean room.It smelled like zhenya.Ehy was I still calling him this when I was aware this was just a nickname for him.I really should have known who he was.How could I have been fooled by a man like Zhenya .But it was Zhenya anyone would have been fooled.Or ... Or was I just an idiot.Whatbwas wrong with me.Why was I like this.I Could feel my heart beating faster than ever my long even breathes soon turned into an uneven breathing pattern I tried to take in more air than necessary I was left sound like a fish gasping for air.Tears dropped down my eyes.I couldn't let Zhenya see me like this.I slowly tried to even out my breathing.I sat in bed cross legged eyes closed counting to a hundred in my head.Slowly, slowly but surely my breathes turned even and I was back to normal .
I hesitantly got up hoping my knees would buckle underneath me.Good I still had some strength left in me.I had been stuck in the house doing nothing for months on end apart from my escape attempts but those dint go well.Zhenya kept catching me or they failed.
I was stuck to dreaming about a life beyond this valley of infinite snow.
My muscles had started to soften so I had started doing push up and sit ups in the house whenever Zhenya left on his helicopter.Hed leave near noon and come back in the evening.
I hate to admit it but sex with zhenya is heaven especially when he randomly chooses to do soft sex and he's not the only one enjoying it.But other times he's so aggressive I'm left with bruises all over my body,it would like I'd got into a fight with fifty people but in reality it was just aggressive sex with zhenya.ive grown used to this and I don't struggle as much as I used to whatever was left of my pride is gone now.
I was so lost in thought I hadn't realised I was just standing there in front of the door until a finger flicked me on my forehead.I looked up to see Zhenya's
Face gazing down at me with a curious look in his eyes.
"What are you doing just standing there ?"-he said with a curious look on his face.
"Nothing."-i muttered looking away.My heart would beat unnecessarily quick whenever I looked at his face too long.Ofcourse I knew what that meant.
I mean even if he was a psychopath he was a good looking one.And not to mention he was the only person I'd had contact with these past few months.Apart from the aggressive non consensual sex from before (now it was more like the aggressive consensual sex) and him kidnapping me and his obsession with killing people who were in his way if you looked past that he wasn't such a bad person.
Not a bad person at all.

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