part 7

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Priya pov

He took me hospital and nurse doing my dressing. After dressing my wounds we are going home when some one called abhay from back.
"Abhay Bhai"

She came running and hugged abhay tightly  even abhay had tears in eyes.

But his expression turned blank when man in fifties call that girl
"Aabha baby"

Abhay pulled her away and took my hand and  left from there with out looking back.When we reach home he left towards his room .

Who are they?why she calling him Bhai ?whose that man ?

With those thoughts running I prepared dinner with Diya who ver silent in my hands .

I went to call him for dinner .but when knocked door he opened door and hugged diyuu and me tightly, he is crying mess .

I console him  when he stopped crying I made Diyuu sleep bed who is now sleeping. I took baby monitor and we went my room. I made him sit on  bed

Priya "abhay who are they ,why are you crying"

Abhay"they are my family,she is my little sister aabha,he is my father Arun Shrivastav"

I don't know by seeing him in this devastated state it's breaking my heart

Abhay"my mother is Divya ,I named Diya after her"he said small sad smile. By seeing him this even my eyes started tearing .

Abhay pov

Me and Sara mba students same college. Sara is beautiful girl , all boys wanted her but she proposed me and I accepted . It was proud moment for me because girl everyone want is now my girlfriend. This way we continue our relationship for one month.

One day Sara forced me for her friend birthday party and  I was completely drunk but don't know how but still in control.i refused to sleep with Sara but she didn't stop and we did it.after one month Sara came to me

Sara"abhay I am pregnant" I was shocked
Sara"I know abhay we are not ready for this ,I will abort baby"
Abhay "noo,we will get married soon"

So I took Sara and went to talk with my father. When we reach there Sara got a call from friend so she went talk with her friend and I am waiting for my father.

After sometime my father came inside ,he is angry and Sara also came completing call. I told everything to him but after his words are shocking.he is not talking like father.

Arun"if you are sure that baby is yours we will rise baby but no need to marry her"

Abhay"dad how can you disrespect some one this way ,she is my girlfriend" but no he is stubborn

So I left office with Sara and return home .I married Sara and discontinued mba ,was staying in one room appartment. But don't know what happened to Sara always fights with me even on small issues

When Diya was 2 months old I came back to inform her I was selected for ips and will be going for training but she already planned to live me

Abhay "Sara I have good..."but I saw all bags were packed "Sara where are you going"

"I can't stay with you anymore"

"Sara try to understand we have baby who is just 2 months old . How can you leave her"

"Abhay you try to understand I can't stay with you . I want luxurious life not a middle class life and can't take Diya with me so I will visit her when I can "

"Sara .."

" No abhay , send divorce papers . Good bye abhay"

She left me with my two months old baby how can she .  I loved her more than myself then how can she leave me .she even left two months baby symbol of our love Diya.

Suman aunty used to be helper for my mother when me and aabha are small so appointed her for Diya and I left for training.

Flashback end

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